27. ma femme

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word count: 4677 words
warnings: slight smut
a/n: i'm writing my one shots with random names, so just imagine any name you want.

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"enjoy sitting next to me while you can," Amber hissed jokingly, feeling Lana move again as she tried to find a better position as they sat at the airport, waiting for their departure.
"very funny," Lana sighed, making Amber shift a bit down so she can lay her head on her shoulder, "you're gonna have to bear me for... um, 9 hours in the plane."
"am i? don't think so," Anber shrugged and sighed, trying not to laugh, seeing Lana's confused face.
"why- what do you mean?" Lana pulled away to look at Amber.
"well... you know that the whole thing was a bit spontaneous. i had to take whatever seat they had free... so we are not sitting together this time."
"9 hours? this is fucking insane," Lana sighed, clearly annoyed, but also kinda sad. Amber tried to keep her face straight as she let Lana take her hand and hug it, as she felt Lana's head on her shoulder.
"we still have... um. 7 minutes before we can go sit."
"it hasn't even started but i already hate it so much," Lana whined and sulked, while Amber struggled to keep her laughter in.

they soon were already in the plane, Amber let Lana go find her place first before following her.
"what do you want?" Lana sighed, clearly annoyed.
"um, searching my seat, miss? have you seen 17A?" Amber pretended to look at her ticket as if she didn't know her seat and then looked at Lana. suddenly it hit her: her own seat was 17B and Amber was fooling around all this time.
"you- oh my god, i hate you so much for this," Amber finally laughed, getting in her seat next to Lana.
"do you though? you love me," Amber chuckled and held Lana's hand, but Lana slid it our of her hold, "i'll still hold you," Amber smiled, not joking for once as she held Lana's hand again. Lana sighed in defeat, but tightened her own hold on Amber's hand.
"unfortunately, i really do," Lana hissed, but her actions contradicted her words: she gently rubbed Amber's knuckles and fingers.
"are you gonna act offended now?" Amber turned her head to the side and down to look at Lana.
"yes," Lana sighed and smiled, but then frowned again, "imagine if you actually had made me sit next to someone else. homophobic," Amber laughed and kissed Lana's temple, "i am not socializing today."
"you say it every day."
"you're exactly the same," Amber shrugged and smiled.
"well, i might've fooled you a bit."
"a fucking bit, i was gonna kill you," that made Amber laugh only more, "would've make everyone around fall in love with you."
"they already are, mon amour," Lana furrowed her eyebrows in fake disbelief of Amber still joking around and playfully hit her thigh, sliding her hand out of their hold again, "no, you can be offended and stop talking to me but give me your hand, i have been touch deprived," Amber placed her own hand on Lana's thigh, tapping the outer part of her hand as if asking for Lana to place her hand in her own. Lana sighed, but placed her hand on Amber's and smiled immediately, feeling her tight hold on it, "i love you," Amber leaned in, kissing Lana's face a couple of times.
"i love you too, baby," Lana turned her head so Amber would accidentally kiss her lips.
"i'd never sit with anyone else," Amber giggled and sighed in content, feeling Lana rest her head on her shoulder, "look. kids? no, i am not sitting with kids, i plan on living longer than that," Lana laughed, she was back to her soft self as her slight annoyance after being fooled disappeared, "not the guys, cause they're either weird, either would try to talk and i am not socializing today, tomorrow or ever," Lana placed her other hand on Amber's midriff, softly caressing it through her shirt, "women? well, i have my girl," Amber slid her arm between Lana's back and the srst and left it there, imitating a hug. Lana just smiled, totally relieved now, hearing this and having Amber next to herself.
"i might fall asleep," Lana whispered, feeling Amber's little kisses on her head.
"do that, mon cœur," Amber smiled, pressing her lips to the top of Lana's head and staying in this position for a while as she felt they both were comfortable. they both fell asleep soon, feeling exhausted as they both were just out of their works: Amber had only time to get Lana from the studio and drive them both home to get their things before going to the airport.

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