14. heaven is a place on earth with you

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word count: 2163 words
warnings: -
a/n: i'm writing my one shots with random names, so just imagine any name you want.

× e n j o y ×

Amber watched Lana from the backstage, a constant smile lingered on her face for all 2 hours. Lana would occasionally turn her head to the side, where was Amber, and smile too. she felt a lot better, when she knew, that there was someone, who loved her and would stay. Lana finished her last song and went down the stage to her fans, Amber teared her glance away from the stage as now she had no reason to watch it and checked her phone in case she had any unread messages or missed calls.

"hello," Lana giggled, she definitely had an amazing mood as she approached Amber and immediately came closer to hug her.
"hello to you too," Amber's smile was back on her face. seeing happy Lana was probably the best thing. she laced her arms around Lana, "ready to go back to the hotel?"
"yeah," Lana whispered, exhaling, now Amber could also sense a slight tiredness along with happiness, that radiated out of Lana.

after talking to Lana's band and manager, they finally went out of the venue, waiting for their car to arrive, so they'll get to the hotel. Lana gently shivered against Amber as she felt a cool air against her shoulders and legs.
"i told you that it's gonna be cooler after the show," Amber sighed, but smiled, signaling that she wasn't mad. she took off her own jacket, placing it over Lana's slight shoulders.
"i'll be okay, babe," Lana tried to take it off, but Amber silently protested, instead lifting the jacket a bit up, so Lana would slide her arms in the sleeves, "i love you," Lana whispered as she watched Amber zip the jacket up. Amber just giggled and kissed Lana's forehead.
"i love you too," Amber whispered back, "love?" Lana watched cars drive by and had to turn her head back to Amber, "i didn't tell you, did i?"
"hm?" Lana cocked her eyebrow in confusion and tucked her hair behind her ears.
"you were amazing tonight," Lana almost melted inside. hearing Amber whisper those words was better than hearing all her fans scream tonight.
"you don't have to tell me that every show," Lana tried to hide her thoughts.
"i don't have, right. but if i want to, i will. and that's not my fault, i want to tell you that every show," Lana gave in, laying her head on Amber's shoulder.
"fuck," Lana sweared quietly. Amber frowned and pulled away a bit.
"what's wrong, darling?" Amber's voice was suddenly a bit louder than a whisper and concern was obvious.
"nothing," Lana smiled, but continued, "seems like i wore those for too long," Lana just shrugged and looked down at her feet.
"you're not wearing those anymore," Amber sighed and turned her head as she heard a car park next to them, "let's go."

"what did you hurt?" Amber asked caringly as she had shower and got out of it, watching Lana get in their bed.
"in fact, nothing. my ankles and feet do hurt though," Amber bit her lip and quickly made a ponytail, coming closer to the bed. Amber went to Lana's side of the bed and sat on it, motioning for Lana to get the blankets off of her.
"you had your feet tensed for too long. i mean, those stilettos suck, otherwise, you wouldn't have them tensed. and you weren't wearing them that long. so you're definitely getting rid of them," Amber whispered as she threw off covers to see her feet, not waiting for Lana to do that.
"i don't have a choice, do i?" Lana laughed softly at Amber being serious and concerned.
"oh, you surely don't," Amber laughed too, "when is our flight?"
"tomorrow at 9 pm," Lana ran her fingers through her hair, looking at Amber, "why?"
"i have my cohesive bandage for running. you'll have to wear it around your ankles tomorrow and while we're travelling. and no heels for you," Amber said and got up, "turn around on your stomach, baby," Amber then sat back on the edge of the bed, but this time closer to Lana. soon Lana felt a gentle rubbing on her left ankle and softly moaned at the feeling, "better?"
"mhm," Lana was too used to Amber's touch and feeling her tender caress just made her immediately close her eyes and relax.
"good," Amber smiled and continued. soon she was rubbing the dimple on Lana's foot to soothe her whole leg and then went back to her ankle. Amber would smile every time she heard a little moan or sigh that came from Lana. Amber then placed Lana's left leg on her laps and continued doing the same gestures on her right, "are you sleeping, babes?" Amber smiled, now she just tenderly stroked Lana's calves to soothe her even more.
"almost," Lana whispered nearly silently. Amber smiled, leaning down to kiss Lana's calf and then adjusted the covers over her.
"better now?" Amber asked, laying next to Lana after turning off the lights. Lana just soundlessly nodded and made Amber lay closer. Amber smiled, feeling Lana rub her nose gently against her jawline. soon Lana was sleeping soundlessly, her hot breathing hitting Amber's neck as she gently caressed her back until she fell asleep too.

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