1. fighting the tiredness

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word count: 1261 words
warnings: -
a/n: i'm writing my one shots with random names, so just imagine any name you want.

× e n j o y ×

skies were drowning into gentle hues of red, orange and pink as Amber parked the black car near the studio, waiting for Lana.

«i'm here, babe x,» - was all she typed for Lana and tapped 'send'.

after like five or so minutes of waiting and scrolling down her instagram, Amber saw a familiar figure, exiting the studio. she smiled to herself and take the phone back on it's place, while waiting for Lana to sit in the car. only from the way Lana was closing the gap between them, Amber knew she was exhausted - the day must've been busy, because she had time only for a quick talk on the lunch.
"hi, babe," younger girl smiled, when Lana sat herself in the car, immediately leaning her head on the seat.
"hey," Lana almost whispers, chucking some papers on the backseats and leaned to Amber to kiss her. the other girl smiled, turning her head for a better access as Lana gently kissed her, in almost insensible fashion, "i'm sorry, i didn't call you, the day was fucking hell," she whispered against Amber's lips, giving her a featherlight kiss once more.
"yeah, i figured out it was, so it's okay, baby," Amber tried to reassure Lana and placed her hand on Lana's upper thigh, smiling to herself, "at least, have you done everything you wanted to?"
"yes, that's why the day was busy," Lana laced her fingers with Amber's, leaving their intertwined hands on her thigh, "and how was your day?" Lana leaned on the seat again, closing her eyes, while Amber starts the car and responds.
"it was fine, i've even finished a little bit earlier, so for your luck dinner's ready," even without looking at Lana's face, concentrating on the road, Amber knew she was smiling.
"i love you," Lana said out of blue, when they stopped at the traffic lights.
"i love you too, baby," Amber tightened her hold on Lana's hand and brought it up to her lips, kissing her knuckles. she then placed it back onto Lana's thigh and while Lana was smiling like a dork and blushing, lights turned to the green again and they continued their ride.
"mhm?" for a moment, Amber glanced at Lana, driving at the same time and turning left to their driveway.
"i was wondering, if you can help me with music video... it's okay, if you don't tho," she whispers this neatly with her silken quiet voice as she was afraid to make her girlfriend angry.
"of course, that's not even a question. but, i guess, we better talk about it tomorrow, you're almost sleeping here. just relax and we'll talk," Lana nods, softly humming an unknown melody, probably just creating it on the go, "Lanz, baby, we're home. let's have dinner and i'll cuddle you to death," the other girl just nodded with tired, but satisfied smile.

"relax, while i heat food," Amber said as she quickly slipped off her sneakers and sneaked to the kitchen.
"i'll go have shower, maybe," Lana groaned as she entered the kitchen and had a glass of water, "aw, baby, is that lasagna?"
"yeah, i just felt that you probably won't mind," Amber kissed her girlfriend's cheek.
"not at all, i'll be in few," she just nodded in response, while Lana disappeared and soon sound of water gushing filled the apartments. as Lana said, in few minutes shower was silenced and then Amber heard the door opening.
"better now?" she smiled, as Lana entered their kitchen in her oversized t-shirt, her hair damp.
"yes," she smiled, her hands lacing around Amber's shoulders and leant her head on it.
"go sit," whispered Amber, turning her head a little to Lana's side, as Lana kissed her lips gently, nodding her head. this caused girl to smile as she layed the table.

"i'll do that, honey, go rest," Amber growled, collecting dishes and taking them to the dishwasher.
"but you come in a few to me," Lana said sternly.
"yes, yes, just go, you're sleeping on the go," she heard Lana's giggling and finaly finished with dishes, "are you sleeping, hun?" she whispered quietly to Lana to hear it, if she's not sleeping and not to wake her up, if she is.
"no. i was waiting for you, come here. you've promised me a little something," Lana was giggling like a little girl and Amber came to the bed, crawling onto it.
"i'm not choking you, right?" Amber started giggling too, "where are you?"
"here," Lana laughed and Amber touched her leg.
"ah, here's my baby," Amber laughed too, sliding her hands up and tickling Lana's ribs.
"God, that tickles, baby, sto-op," Lana whined, laughing, and at that moment Amber straddled her hips, seeing nothing in this darkness. she sensed Lana's slight shoulders and traced her fingertips up, caressing her neck until her thumb sensed Lana's lips.
"got it," whispered Amber as she leaned down to Lana, barely touching her lips and shortly after, as Lana laced her arms around Amber's waist, she got braver, kissing her lover's lips more passionately.
"i missed you," Lana whispered, when they took break in their kissing session to get some air.
"me too, i wanted to kiss you all day and now i have the whole night to fill my need," she felt Lana's smile against her lips. their kisses were getting hotter and heavier each second as Lana moaned in their kiss.
"God, baby," she whispered as Amber kissed her jaw, "babygirl, i'm tired as fuck, can we..."
"honey, it's not about sex. i'm just kissing you. we'll have sex only when you want, so feel comfortable about it."
"thank you. i love you," Lana brought her girl closer, hugging her with both her hands.
"i'm not choking you, am i?"
"no, it feels good," Lana kissed girl's bare shoulder. they stayed silent for a couple of minutes, caressing each other - Lana was planting featherlight kisses on Amber's shoulder, as Amber herself was stroking Lana's outer thighs.
"my dad called me today, he fought with my mum, because she was jealous and they made up dancing to your song," Amber whispered gently in Lana's ear, causing her to shiver.
"what song?" Lana whispered, turning her head to Amber's side and bumped the tip of her nose against Amber's cheek.
"Mariners Apartment Complex," Amber turned her head to Lana's side too, licking her cheek, "they were also asking how are you and told me to be gentle with you."
"you're the most gentle here," Lana giggled, "can i ask you something?"
"sure, baby," Amber layed herself on Lana's chest, looking at her eyes as she waited for the question.
"is our age gape okay with you? it's just been bothering me for past week or so."
"yes, why would it not be?" Amber asked gently, feeling worries in Lana's voice.
"i don't know... you're just in your early  20s and here i am..."
"honey, stop. i love you and that's everything that matters. i love my girl, from her feet to the top of her head and that's all."
"you're making me feel better," Lana smiled, pressing her lips to Amber's forehead.
"that's my obligation. to make my girl feel happy."
"so you're doing it properly, your girl is happy," both girls smiled and Amber flipped them, making Lana lay on top of herself.
"sleep, i can feel tiredness in your voice. i'll stroke your back and cuddle you," Lana nodded, purring with closed eyes, as she layed her head on Amber's chest, purring softly at her affections.

i really hope you enjoyed this one. also just wanted to say that i'm taking any ideas or requests, so feel free to suggest anything.


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