Kai: "Who did this? Who hurt you?"

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You never thought you would run into your ex again, but here he is, standing right in front of you. The sunglasses he took off your face crack as he clenches his fist way too hard around it. His facial expression changes from shock to absolute rage and you back off a bit. You've never seen him that angry. To be more exact, you've never seen him angry at all. He was always gentle, friendly and caring. Now he seems like a different person to you. His beautiful blue eyes are cold as ice. "Who did this? Who hurt you?", Kai insists to know with a dangerously calm and deep voice. You lower your eyes and stare on the ground. Your mind is blank and can't come up with a good answer right away. Nervously your fingers are playing with your long hair. Just what kind of excuse could explain that swollen and blue left eye of yours that he has seen now? Despite his aura of pure violence he's radiating, your ex-boyfriend lifts your head carefully and strokes your cheek. "Who?", he asks again. "He's my boyfriend", you admit, ashamed of yourself. "At first he was very nice to me, but ever since he's living with me in my apartment..." You can't even finish the sentence, because your eyes are overflowing with tears. "Today I wanted to throw him out. This is the result", you explain sobbing. Before you know what's going on, Kai starts to move, gently holding your hand and pulling you with him. He walks straight towards the big, grey building your apartment is in and asks for your key. "Wait here", he says and leaves you alone in front of the entrance. Only minutes later, now probably your new ex-boyfriend, comes running out of the house, stumbling over his own feet and turning around in fear, as if the devil himself was chasing him. Right after him, in a very slow and loose way, Kai comes down the stairs, glaring at the guy who hurt you. "Don't you dare touch her again!", he growls, causing the other male to escape quickly. After you let out a very relieved sigh, the brown haired pulls you tight into his strong arms and holds you for a long time. "I'm so sorry!", he whispers. "I shouldn't have let you alone. I just thought that a long-distance relationship would be too painful for both of us. I wanted you to be happy" You shake your head and snuggle up to his muscular chest. "It's not your fault, Kai", you assure him. "But I missed you so much!" He smiles at you lovingly and kisses you on your lips. "I'll never let go of you again", he promises.  

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