Rui: "Welcome home."

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Complicated is a very friendly description for your relationship with your boyfriend. He agreed on going out with you after you confessed your love for him, but sometimes you wonder if he just did that to avoid the trouble of rejecting you or maybe also because he was curious and wanted to try out that whole dating-thing. He's very quiet, doesn't speak much with you and he seems rather emotionless, but you like him because he's cute and has his own charm. You decided to confess because he's not like other boys that age. After some time you noticed he likes to be for himself, so you gave him the key for your apartment and told him to use it whenever he wants, also when you're at work. He also agreed on that. He actually agrees on quite everything you say or do and has never complained about anything. Sometimes you can find him now taking a nap on your sofa when you come home and since you're making sure to always have some pudding in your fridge, he drops by more often and stays longer. From time to time he even brings Yamato, his cat with him. You hope that this is a sign for him being comfortable at yours, but you can't be sure. Up until now you only had the feeling that he's opening up to you once. You developed a habit of answering all question of Rui, no matter how strange they are and occasionally you explain things to him that Shun or the other boys told him. Given that, he one time asked you why you're listening to his solo songs on your iPod and not confused about a weird question like that anymore you explained patiently that you listen to it, because you like his songs very much and also love the sound of his gentle voice. Just nodding he accepted your answer, however not long after your conversation when you two were being alone, he started to sing completely out of the blue. With a soft and almost inaudible voice he sang your favorite song and later commented that he thought it would be better to hear his voice from himself rather than from an electrical device. For a very heartwarming and cute moment you were so touched that you felt like bursting out in tears and then it was over in an instant, because your boyfriend declared that he had work to do and left your apartment without even changing his neutral facial expression. Since that day you never had such a moment again, but you keep and treasure it in your heart. Just coming home from work, you're tired. You open the door and find Rui standing in the corridor right in front of you, as if he had waited for you to come in or hurried over when he heard you coming. Surprised you look at him. That never happened before, so you're also a little worried. Quickly you take off your jacket and shoes and look at your boyfriend closely. "What's up, Rui?", you ask. Very slowly and unsure he reaches out, takes your hand and squeezes it. "Welcome home.", he mumbles and you feel your heart skip a beat. "I'm back!"   

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