Iku: "No, I don't want to say goodbye. Not now."

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Holding back your tears and clinging onto your boyfriend who will be your ex soon, you stand at the airport. He looks as unhappy as you do, but he tries his best, too, for your sake and you know that. Embracing you and holding you tightly, he strokes your back and whispers caring words into your ear. However you're quite sure that nothing's gonna be okay. Everything will change, nothing is going to be like it was before. Even though you know him for such a long time now, you have to leave him. You're moving. Not only to another city or another country, no, to a whole new continent! There will be miles between you soon. You just can't stand it, your heart feels like bleeding, like exploding at any moment and you burst out in tears. Sobbing and whining you're pressing yourself against his tall and athletic body and hide your face on his chest. His heartbeat resounds in your ears, as well as the last call for your flight. Your loved one tries to carefully push you away to take your hand and accompany you to the gate. "No, please", you beg him. He gently lifts your head and wipes away your tears. His big, warm hands caress your wet cheeks so lightly as if you could break any time. "Come on, let's go now.", Iku tries to convince you, but his own voice is throaty and his beautiful eyes teary. "It's going to be alright, I promise. We can call each other, write messages, send photos and videos. There's even the video- call, so we can see each other. I'll never forget you and I'll always be there for you." His sweet words only make it worse. Desperately you shake your head and throw yourself at him again. "No, I don't want to say goodbye. Not now."    

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