See you soon Jeffy

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     LIU'S POV: 

     I awoke, not knowing where the hell I was. The last vague memory I had was at the hospital. Now I was in some other room that was definitely not a hospital room. I was dressed in clothes that was neither a gown nor my own clothes. As I inspected the clothes, it smelled faintly of tobacco, and I do not know anybody who smokes.  How come I am forgetting everything?! I raked my fingers through my dirty, brown hair. My hands were jittering as though I've had 10 cups of coffee. I tried desperately to control my shakiness, holding my hands out in front of me. But that was when I further noticed dried blood between my fingernails. 

    What have I done?! 

    Upon shaky feet, I pulled myself out of the bed and wobbled my way over to a grimy window.It looked over to a town I had never seen before. Am I losing my mind? I must be? I dragged my extremely fragile body over to the sink in the tiny kitchen, splashing cold water onto my face. I must be dreaming... please wake up Liu, I begged to myself. As a response, my stomach grumbled. I gritted my teeth, trying to ignore the stomach acids burning the lining of my empty stomach. Instead, I cupped some cold water from the sink into my hands and drank that to calm my stomach down. 

    I walked back over to my bed, noticing a tv in front of the bed. I searched for the tv remote and instantly turned it on. There was only cable tv, but that was fine with me. I browsed for the news, and when I did I was appalled. From my last proper memories to now, it seemed like weeks had passed. Where had my memories of the past weeks have gone? Why, why... just why can I not remember? I felt a few tears escape, dropping along my neck and disappearing underneath these foreign clothes. Trying to muffle my tears, I kept watching the news. The news further detailed the location I was, which was like a 100 miles from my home back in the suburbs. 

    Something that caught my attention was a broadcast about the recent killer on the news. 


     I thought I wouldn't hear that name ever again. But here I was, listening to someone describe the killings of my once-thought dead brother. I guess he escaped and survived from the cops. I was happy to hear he was alive, but then I was also angry that he escaped to live despite killing our parents. After everything that has happened, why does he get to live? More tears sprang from my eyes, and I gritted my teeth till I could hear it gnashing. I screamed into a pillow, kicking my feet around. I felt like I was losing a grip on myself. I think I was just so tired and just mentally drained... 

 ???'S POV: 

     I picked our head up from being planted against the pillow and wiped these ugly tears from our eyes. Jeff is no reason to cry over. I turned my attention back to the television, interested in knowing what the broadcast news people have to say about Liu's so-called "brother". Apparently, there had been killings in the nearby area, but not this town exactly. That mean he is near, and I can finally enact my revenge once and for all. For once during the past day, I felt bliss. There is no time to wait anymore. And I knew just the place to grab all the information I needed. 

    Before leaving the motel, I shoved two blueberry muffins from the lobby that was being given free as breakfast to the motel's occupants. In a wolfish manner, I shoved the first blueberry muffin into my mouth, hardly savoring the flavor, and more for its energy contents it shall give my body. 

    The town was decent in size, and not too hard to navigate, especially when you've been raised near cities before. In no time did I find the library. I know, I know, it must be surprising that the ideal place for me to go is the library. But you gotta remember, Liu was a smart cookie before the... incident. I went to find one of the library's staff behind a counter near the front. As sweetly as I could, while making sure my stitches were out of view, I asked "Are the computers free to use?" 

     "Do you have a library membership?" a stale, old woman with intense red lipstick asked. 

     I shook my head. "I'm just passing through town, I am trying to check on my status for my flight," I lied with a smile. 

    The woman seemed to understand, returning the smile in return. "Of course you may use the computer, dear." 

   "Thank you ma'am!" With that, I approached one of the computers, one where the staff at the desk couldn't see what I was looking up on the screen. Opening up the Google search engine, I typed "Jeff Woods". Instantly, a lot of news articles popped up, starting from... that day. I didn't want to see that though, I did not want to have to remember how Jeff ruined our life after that day. I just wanted to know recent killings of his... to track him down. I'm sure he is in hiding, after all; this won't be an easy feat. 

    Apparently, Jeff's last killings was a bit more north than where this town was located. This was just hours ago. For all I know, he is on the chase again. My best bet would be to take a bus route going up north. I checked my pockets to see how much more money I had left; should be a decent amount. Cause I absolutely do not trust myself driving over there. Because it looks like the place I would have to go would be in New York. Yikes! 

    I printed out all the essential articles on Jeff before walking out of the library. With a little bit more of wandering around the town, I finally found a bus station. I checked all of the bus routes and found the perfect one leading to near the border of New York. I doubt Jeff would try to go to New York City, unless he really wanted to be behind bars. I paid for a ticket and waited on one of the benches for 45 minutes before the bus arrived. 

   There were not many people who were going to take this bus, which made me sigh in relief. I gave my paid ticket to the bus person before hopping into one of the back seats. The trip was said to take about two or so hours, so I just let my head rest against the window of the bus, watching as a slight drizzle began to pour outside. 

....see you soon Jeffy. 

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