Welcome to your new home

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     As we hiked through the woods, the trees kept getting us mixed up as to where we were going. In turn, this led me and Jeff to argue more than I'd like. The solution we came up with was to trek close by the highway, but still hidden by the trees. We argued considerably less by doing so. 

    The sun began to go down rather fast that day, or so it seemed to us. And our stomachs began growling in agony. "I'm hungry!" Jeff complained. 

     "We can get food after we arrive," I said, though food sounded very nice at this exact moment. My whole body ached for some rest and food. And the hunger was starting to get to my head. There were hardly even vehicles that past by on the highway, so all I heard, besides Jeff's complaints, was the nature around. 

     We were both starting to grow weary as the moon shone up in the sky. I was beginning to think we should just call it a day and rest under the trees of the forest. Jeff was lagging behind, as well. But then, as I looked through some foliage towards the highway, I saw a sign that indicated there was a town nearby, just a couple miles ahead. 

    "Jeff." He wasn't paying attention. "Jeff," I began tugging at the sleeve of his hoodie. "Hey Jeff!" I finally shouted. 

    "What?!" Jeff snarled back. 

      "Look!" I pointed at the sign ahead. 

       Jeff's eyes seemed to pop out, more than they already do. Hastily, he put together both pieces of the map, using the moon as a source of light. He squinted trying to read the map. But when he looked back up at the sign again, his smile intensified. "We're almost there!" Jeff sighed in relief. He looked back at the map, using his finger so he doesn't lose his spot. He paced around in a circle, lost in thought. He was pointing one way, mumbling to himself, and then pointed another way, still mumbling. Finally, he seemed to come up with a decision. "This way!" He called out to me. 

    I thought we'd follow the highway till we arrived at the town and spend the night there. After all, a bed and food sounds really nice right now. But no, we ran deeper into the woods. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned my little brother. 

    Jeff nodded manically, his black hair flowing in the wind as we dashed. Then he came to a halt. He went back to mumbling to himself. "Don't tell me you got us lost?" I whined. 

    "Shush!" Jeff replied. After some more pacing around, we went straight back to running, but in a different direction. And, not surprising, after some time, we halted as Jeff returned back to the map as his source. 

     Eventually, we came across a small, abandoned hut. The wood looked rotten and old, but it was still surprising that the structure was able to hold upon itself without crumbling down. 

     "Is this the place?" I asked astonished. I thought we'd be bunking low in a better place that looked more hygenic. 

     "Yup!" With me following close behind Jeff, we approached the abandoned place we'd call are house for the time being. The moon was high in the sky now, and though I couldn't completely see the house for how it truly looked, I can tell it was hideous. I mean, I guess that is why this is the best place to live; no one would dare enter inside. 

     Before we entered the hut, something caught my eye in the near distance by a tree. I stopped short, but my brother either did not see what I was seeing, or was stupid enough to walk towards whatever that was... or maybe I was going crazy. I saw something glint in the dim moonlight. The figure was darkened by the shadows. I gulped nervously. 

    Jeff must have noticed I froze up behind him, as he turned around puzzled. "What are you doing?" he asked. I just shook my head. Jeff seemed annoyed by my antics, as he apologized to the hidden figure in front of us, watching our interaction intently. 

    "It's fine, weird kid though," the figure spoke. It had a somewhat deep voice. Slowly the figure came out of the shadows as I stood prepared to fight. The first thing I noticed were the two hatchets the figure was clenching in either hand. My knife was nothing compared to those massive hatchets. Next was the figure's appearance: he was wearing goggles, which I thought was strange to be wearing at night... yet I'm the 'weird kid'... and the figure was wearing a mask. He approached us nonchalantly, swinging the hatchets over his shoulder. He pulled his googles up so I could see his dark eyes.  

    I could see clearly he was a short male. He greeted Jeff with a smile, so I knew they weren't strangers. I wonder how they met? And then when it came up to me, he looked me up and down, almost judge-like. I hated being stared down, and though I really wanted to avoid making eye contact, I stood my ground, glaring back at him. Apparently this boy thought my menacing (at least I hope so) gaze was humorous, as he chuckled to himself. He shifted both his hatchets to one hand, while outstretching his free hand, as he said to me, "Hello. My name is Toby." Hesitantly, I grabbed hold of his hand, shaking his soft hand with a firm grip. "Welcome to your new home."

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