Chapter XIX

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The week after midterms is the release of test results and its usually posted on the bulletin board [which is on the far left side of the shoe lockers.] That's why it's no surprise to see there's already a huge crowd of students around it after nii-san and I arrived. Nonetheless, they're already whispering to each other who got the highest scores on each grade.

"Hyuga Neji again."

"I'm sure Sasuke-sama will rank first on the finals."

"Ah... Here I thought the Uchiha will get first... *Chikusho, I lost the bet."
*Oh shit.

"Aha! My Neji is number one again!" A familiar brown haired girl yelled for them to hear and pinched her boyfriend's cheeks as soon as she was arms length away. "*Omedetoo."

"(Ahem) Ten-Ten, you- (sigh) *arigatou." He sighed in resignation because he knew that she won't stop even if he told her to and stared down at those who dared to watch them with his stoic and critical eyes.
*Thank you.

I simply smiled at the two as I leave because I didn't really want to fight my way through the crowd so I'll just check it at lunch or something. That's why I decided to go to the "small" garden on the back of the school since there's enough time before class starts. It may have been the beginning of June but the weather is still tolerable, the sky blue and filled with big white fluffy clouds yet the garden looked just as beautiful under the bright yellow sun. I made my way to the shade of a big tree on the farthest corner and comfortably sat down and watch the ever so peaceful view. Moments passed by slowly in leisure so it was no surprise that I didn't want to go in once the bell rung.

"Oi, Hinata, where have you been?" I was asked by Inusaze-san as soon as I entered the ever so rowdy room.

"*Ohayo, I was just at the garden." I settled down and smiled at Aburame-san when he looked over at us.
*Good morning.

From the corner of my eye, I saw that the brown haired boy wanted to say something but stopped when Kurenai-sensei came in. And with that, school started uneventful.

"Ino-chan, you guys go on ahead. I just want to go look at my test results." I said as I walk side by side with her and watching as the guys talk about a new video game coming out.

"Why don't you want us to come with you?"

I simply shrugged my shoulders and watch her face turn from concern to confusion. "You need to go before the lines get longer?" I answered questioningly.

"*Hai, hai. I guess it's Hinata being weird again" she remarked jokingly and let me go before the other two start asking questions where I'm headed to.
*Yes, yes.

I quickly and quietly walked to the shoe lockers and searched the bulletin board for all of their names. Ino-chan and Inukase-san rank 49 in their classes! They deserve it after they worked so hard. Hmmm, what about Aburame-san...? My index finger passed every name on the board until I found his. Ah! Here it is. I felt my eyes get bigger as I saw his scores. *S-Sugoi... he's at the top ten... Rank 5... As I was gawking at my friend's test result, I felt a person standing right beside me. I slowly looked at him and saw his eyes looking, not at the board, but at me. "Yo." His calm raspy voice simply greeted me yet I couldn't help but step aside a bit after remembering what happened last time.

*Hello (formal).


I was taken aback by that before understanding that he said that to congratulate me for my scores and when I realize I didn't know my own score I checked it. No way...! I guess I had a stupid look in my face that it made Uchiha-san laugh. "*Arigatou gozaimasu." I replied quietly with a red face as he continued to laugh.
*Thank you very much.

"You're weird. Why, why would a person check other people's scores first before theirs? And-and that face was priceless." He struggled to keep his voice steady and stoic after laughing so hard his face turned into a blushing one.

*U-U-Urusai! I didn't have enough courage to say that outloud as the heat traveled into my neck now, and I was sulking with a stupid tomato face when he looked at me with slightly apologetic and mostly amused eyes.
*Shut up.

"I meant that though. You're weird but smart."

"Should I take that as a compliment or an insult?" I looked at him with narrow eyes before resigning and smiling at my own weirdness as well. "**Arigatou." With that, he simply nodded with a teasing smile still but after that it was quiet. Oh right! The bet this morning! I rummaged at my pockets in search of something and ignoring the confused and surprised eyes on me. Found it! I took out my right hand from my pocket, stretched it towards him, and opened my close fist to show two strawberry candies. "**Omedetoogozaimasu for ranking number two, Uchihan-san."
**Thank you, **congratulations.

Sasuke's P.O.V

I watched in confusion as she dig for something in her skirt's pockets and I was surprised to see her hand retrieve two pieces of candies in pink wrappers. "**Omedetoogozaimasu for ranking number two, Uchihan-san." She said with a childish smile.

I was so shocked that all I did was stare at it like I had never seen one before. I must have been doing that for a while because she slowly start to take it back with an embarrassed look on her, ready to say something similar to '*gomen. You probably don't like sweets.' But, before she could put it back in her pocket, I grabbed her dainty wrist. "*Domo." I said as I gently let it go and take the candies from her very cold hand. She just smiled with a pink hue invading her pale cheeks as she put her hand back to her side. She'll say 'I should go' with a bow in three... Two... One.
*I'm sorry, *Thanks.

"I should go. It was nice talking to you, Uchiha-san. *Sayon'nara." She made it impossible for the silence to take control and bowed again before she started to walk away.

I should go too. I made my way upstairs to the rooftop and brushed off anyone that tried to talk to me. As soon as I opened the door I wish I didn't come at all and wondered why I bother to hang out with them.

"Oi! Red headed *busu, give that back to me!"
*Bitch or ugly woman.

"Not until you admit I'm amazing!"

"Oi! You two! Buy me another ramen!"

I walked towards Jugo and Kimimaro and sat down to watch the stupid show they potray everyday but when I did Karin just stopped and ran to tackle me. Like always.

"Sasuke-kun, where have you been?"

"Get off." She did so in a matter of milliseconds and just sat beside me as I frantically searched for it to see if there's any damages because of her. I sighed in relief when I took it out unharmed, laying back down on the concrete floor, I carefully unwrapped one of the candies and placed it in my mouth. It's strawberry. I examined the other to read the brand, the label, and everything else. 'Milky Ichigo candies'. It's actually pretty good.

"Sasuke, I thought you don't like sweets?"

I ignored Suigetsu as I continued to marvel at the small gift I got. I should rank first place this finals.

Dear readers, thank you again for being up to date so far and for those who waited my sincerest apologies. I also apologize for the short chapter about Hinata and Sasuke mostly but who knows the reason as to why. ;) Anyway, that is all minna-san. I bid you guys goodbye and to have a nice day.

P.S. Just to clarify, Hinata says Kiba's last name different everytime because she doesn't remember it.


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