Chapter XV

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Hinata's P.O.V

What a waste. It's such a nice day too.

To: Ino-chan

Subject: I can't come.

*Gomen'nasai. I can't make it. I'm not feeling well, again. *Hontoni gomen'nasai.

*I'm sorry, *I'm really sorry.

I leaned back on the bench as I wait for her reply, which didn't take very long. We planned to go check out a newly opened cake shop, but my own health got in the way of that.


*Daijoubu desu shinpai shindai de. Just get some rest. We'll just see each other at school. I hope that you'll get well soon, *ja ne.

*It's alright, don't worry about it. *See you.


Ino-chan, next time I'll make it, I promise. *Soredewa mata.

*See you later.

I'm so pathetic. I can't even get up from here and go home. I guess, I'll stay here until I feel well enough to walk. I looked up at the bright blue sky, which helped lessened the pain of my aching head.

"Hinata? Oi, Hinata! *Daijoubu?" I could feel someone's hand slightly shaking me. "Wake up."

*Are you okay.

"Five more minutes, *onegai." I turned to my right to try and block the sun out of my face.


"Come on, you can't sleep in a park. It's too dangerous so wake up.**Onegaishimasu."

*Please (polite).

This is starting to annoy me. I couldn't keep ignoring the voice any longer, so I quickly opened my eyes only to see blue ones staring at me. "Ahhh!"



"*Chotto, why are YOU screaming?"


"I c-could ask you the s-same thing."

"Well, you screamed and I was shocked that you did," the blonde boy reasoned.

"*S-sou desu ne. **Gomen'nasai, I w-was surprised that it w-was you."

*Is that so, **I'm sorry.

"Oh, right. What are you doing here anyway? I'm sure you know that it's not safe to sleep here." He questioned me after he chuckled to himself.

"I d-didn't even realize that I-I fell a-asleep." I looked at my surroundings only to find myself still in the park. No way!

"Man, it's a good thing that nobody else saw you. What if a *chikan saw you instead? I can't even think about it without getting chills."


I have cold sweats in every part of my body because what he said is true. Kamisama, *domo arigato gozaimasu! "E-Eto... W-what are you doing h-here?" The blush on my cheeks spread like wildfire.

*Thank you very much.

"I had a delivery right there," he pointed at a house right across the street. "And, I saw someone here so I went to check it out. Turns out, you were knocked out."

Sigh. "I w-was not f-feeling well e-earlier."

"If that's the case, why didn't you go home right away? Plus, why didn't you stay home in the first place?"

"I-I was alright b-before I left, but o-on my way to meet a friend I-I felt nauseous. So, I s-stopped here to t-take a break..."

Tsk. Tsk. "That's when you unconsciously fell asleep. (Sigh) Are you still not okay?" He sat right next to me exhaustively.

Did I cause that to him? I must be out of my mind to even think of such an absurd and delusional question. I shook my head side to side wildly, "I'm o-okay now. I can walk my-myself home."

"Maybe you can call your boyfriend to come pick you up and walk you home."

"B-b-boyfriend?! *D-dare?!" I'm not certain if I'm imagining the fact that my face is now emitting heat.


"Huh?! You tell me. (Chuckles) Isn't it Hyuga Neji?"

"W-wha?! *Ieie! He's m-my nii-san."

*No, no.

"You're his younger sister? You guys do not look anything alike."

"No, I-I call him 'nii-san' b-but he's technically my c-cousin."

"Oh! I feel so silly thinking you have a relationship with him. **Gomen." There's a visible blush of embarrassment on his scarred cheeks. I know for sure I'm not making that up. "Well, either way, isn't there anyone you'll ask to come and get you?"

**I'm sorry.

"No, I c-can take care o-of myself." I quickly stood up to prove a point but to no avail. My legs shook and my eyes suffered a momentary blurred vision. I did my very best to maintain my position, which I happened to succeed at. Woah.

"Woah. I think you stood up too fast, yet are you positive that you're alright?"



"You know, you have to practice asking for support."

"**S-sou desu ne?" Funny, he's not the first one to say so. "U-uzumaki-san, is your shift o-over? Deliveries to m-make?"

*Is that so?

"Conveniently, that house was my last delivery. I told Ayame-chan that I won't return anytime soon, for I knew I'd want to stay longer once I saw it was you here."

No matter what I do, when I'm with him, my cheeks redness never decreases. "*D-dooshite? Why will you w-want to stay longer."


To be continued...

My beloved readers, I hereby declare that the 'gift chapters' are now finished. I hope that all of you enjoy this five chapters. Nonetheless, the following chapters might take a while but a much shorter wait than this one. Well, then, have a great day minna-san. ^_^


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