Just Another NaruHina Story

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Chapter I

I slowly opened my eyes, and it met a bright white light. I quickly closed my eyes again, and used my ears to figure out where I was.

Beep. Beep. Beep. A heartbeat monitor? I strained to listen outside and heard different footsteps. I already know where I am and that is back at the hospital.

"Hinata, are you awake?" A familiar voice asked beside me.

"Hai", I quietly replied, "am I in the hospital again?"

"Sadly,yes." Otou-san tried hard not to sound too concerned.

"Oh, what did the doctors said?"

"They told me that... Um... t-the tu-tumor, um, r-r-reapp...reappeared." He desperately stopped himself from crying.

"Oh, I'm sorry, otou-san. The last thing I wanted was for you to worry." I knew that this day will come. Nonetheless, I was saddened by the fact that I'm to put him, okaa-san, and Hanabi through this. Again.

"Hinata, it was never your fault", he embraced me gently, "Don't worry, you'll get through it this time too."

I hope that I will. Afterall, that is all I can do at this time. "How long have you been here, otou-san? Did you get some rest at home?"

"No, I haven't left your side since you got here."

"Otou-san, you should get home and rest. Onegaishimasu, you have to take better care of yourself."

"I will when you can move about, until then, I will be here."

"Okay." I could not afford to further discuss this when he made his final decision. "Eto. When will I be able to leave the room, and how long have I been asleep? Oh, where was I before I got here?"

"You fainted the other day in the kitchen when Hanabi got home, and they said at least by three days. That will only be determined by your health."

After three days, I felt better to be pushed around in a wheel chair. Otou-san left to rest at home and sent Hanabi to visit after school. I was bored and asked my nurse if I could get out of the room. As I was browsing around the hall, I heard a loud argument.

"You can't move around, yet!" I heard a nurse yelling to a patient inside a room.

"Why not? It doesn't hurt anymore. It was only an appendix!" A boy argued back. As soon as the boy finished talking, he walked out of his room. He stood right in front of me and we shared a seemingly endless eye contact.

"Suimasen, I got in your way." He said as he passed by me, and his nurse tried desperately to stop him. I caught myself watching his disappearing figure but I didn't know when I started to stare at him. When I was returned to my room, I couldn't help myself from the thought of his blue eyes. What was that unknown feeling I got when I looked into his eyes? Who was that boy with blonde hair? He looks very familiar... Different confusing questions raced on my mind until it began to hurt.

Will I see him again? That was the last thought I had as I drifted to sleep.

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