Chapter X

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I'm returning after a month of absence so I feel nervous. I passed the school gates, but I was delayed by the person on my tail. Nonetheless, I'm practically running away from the footsteps that's quickly following me.

"Oi! Hinata, stop running away from me."

I turned around to see the familiar boy with strange face make-up. It was only, what is his name again, I-Inukage-san? "*O-ohayo  gozaimasu, *d-daijobu desu ka?"

*Good morning, *How are you?"

He took support from his knees and breathed deeply before he replies."**Ohayo. You sure are healed if you can run that fast, although you clearly didn't look like one."

**Good morning

"*H-hai, arigato."

*Yes, thank you

"That's great!" He showed his sharp fangs when he smiled. "Oh, yeah, Ino and Shino are waiting for you."

"E-eh? She didn't say w-we are to meet b-before class s-starts."

"Yeah, Bakaino (*Baka + Ino) forgot to tell you last night. That's why she asked me to find you and bring you to our spot."


"Oh. Lead t-the way, *on-onegaishimasu." Inukaze-san walks toward the northeastern side of the school, and there stood Aburame-san and Ino-chan.

"Hina-Chan! **Ohayo~. *Gomen, I forgot to tell you about this."

**Good morning, *I'm sorry

"*Ieie, it's alright. May I ask why you wanted me to meet all of you here?"

*No, no.

"I've been meaning to tell you that we'll meet here everyday. Well, as often as possible. I just thought it's a good idea for us to hang out, and to meet here when we plan to go out together. Plus, I'm getting tired of this two."

"*Temae..." Inuzasu-san mumbled at her previous statement. "Just so you're aware, we are getting tired of you just as much." He received death glares from her for his comment.

"Whatever, *baka! I'm talking to Hina-chan. Last time I check, you're Kiba not Hinata." They argued for a bit more before she settled her eyes on me. "So, what do you think, Hina-chan?"


"I like that idea." As soon as I said that the school bell rings.

"That's great! Until lunch then." She started to walk toward the building, but abruptly stopped by Inukaze-san.

"Oi, Bakaino, I'll race you to our class."

She passed by him before she started to run. "Your on! Loser pays for lunch!" She yells with her back facing  us.

"There is NO WAY I'll let you win!" The boy that challenged her caught up in no time. Aburame-san and I just watched as it all unfolded.

"Aburame-san, *domo arigato goizamasu for lending me your notes."

*Thank you very much

"I'm glad to be of help." *Sugoi, this is the first time I see him smile. We continued to walk in silence to our class.


I don't feel nervous at all...

After lunch, my whole day went by quickly. The next thing I know, the three of us are going to our spot to meet Ino-chan. "Man, I don't really want to go home. Do the two of you want to go to the arcade or something? I'm really bored."

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