Chapter XXI

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"It's such a relief we don't have to wear our winter uniforms on such a hot day like this." Ino-chan said as she laid herself down on the grass beside Inukaze-san who had his eyes covered by a book. "But laying under a tree's shade doesn't help at all. Why did the AC on the whole first floor decide to dysfunction on a day like this...!" Her face clearly shows she is nothing but irritated and cranky.

"It can't be helped since it is early June." I was looking up at the bright blue sky as I spoke and for some reason it reminded me of someone. "At least summer break is only a few weeks away from now."

The boy next to Ino-chan threw his book at the tree and quickly got on his feet. "Yeah but we still have finals! I don't want to fail and have to take summer classes!" He yelled in frustration as he continued to pace back and forth.

"Why are you worried? We'll just have to do the same thing we did to prepare for the midterms." Aburame-san casually stated while he waited patiently for a lady bug to crawl to his right hand.

"You're a genius, Shino!" Inukuro-san practically tackles the other boy and laughed maniacally to himself. "Hinata and Ino will be there to, right?" He looked at us before letting go of his friend who is now distracted by a caterpillar.

"YES! I have to but Hina-Chan..."
(Ino said "yes" in english)

"(Giggles) Of course, I would come."

"*Yoshi!" He screamed in excitement simultaneously with the ring of the bell that indicates lunch is over. "Ugh. It's already time to go back... Come on, BakaIno." He held out his hand to help her get off of the grass.
*Something said in excitement and closely translates to "okay"

"*Domo." She looked away with a blush on her cheeks but still took his outstretched hand. We then set out to hesitantly go back inside the building before a teacher yells at us.
*Thanks (casual)

In P.E, Anko-sensei assigned us to get in teams of four to play tennis (doubles) amongst ourselves and left without saying anything else. Four very familiar girls approached me with four rackets when sensei sat down under a tree. "Ready, Hyuga Hinata?" A familiar red headed girl said as she handed me a racket and a tennis ball.

She was that girl from before...  I took it from her and she paired herself up with her purple haired friend. I bounced the ball for a bit, aimed and served an ace like I used to. This really brings back memories... I smiled at the scene's familiarity but it soon disappeared when I saw the surprise in all of their eyes.

"Oh! Oh! Now you're on!" The girl with red glasses yelled at me, picked up the ball, and harshly served it towards my direction.

Whoa! T-That almost hit me! I managed to dodge it and kept the score in my head, even though she loudly said the scores. I served it again but after that she backhanded the ball and for the rest of the game we only played against each other. It seemed like a never ending rally between us and I was in constant fear of what this strain might cause me afterwards. (Sigh) Saved by the bell... By the time the class ended, we were both out of breath and collapsed on the court out of exhaustion. It's been a while since I've been in a state like this yet I can't help but be happy. I felt a smile on my face but it was soon replaced by shock when someone held out a hand for me to take.

"That was one hell of a game." She said with a laugh and continued, "I underestimated you Hyuga Hinata but don't think we're friends now. Anyway, did you play before?"

I gladly took her hand with a small smile and she then helped me up. "*Hai."
*Yes (polite)

"You proved yourself to be a worthy rival especially since I thought you're this weak little thing."

Just Another NaruHina StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora