The Quarterback

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It had been three weeks since Finn passed away. I hadn't fully processed it yet. A lot of us had processed it but I didn't know where I was. Last time I talked to Finn was during regionals and I was asking him about advice. That was the last time we spoke.

People don't tell when you'll lose someone you never thought you would be friends with.

Finn had a good heart and soul. He made some mistakes but he fixed them.

Almost all of the alumni had came back for funeral and the memorial of Finn.

We were all in the choir room watching Mr. Shue write Finn's name on the board.

"I'm so glad so many of you could make it back for this." Mr. Shue tells us.

"We wouldn't miss it for anything, Mr. Shue." Mike says quietly.

"The funeral was for everyone, but I wanted to do something just for us. To memorialize him the only way we know singing. All week long. Anyone who wants to can come up here and sing. Maybe a song he sung, maybe something that reminds you of him..."

"Singing isn't going to bring him back." Puck comments harshly.

"No, it's not. Nothing is. Not ever. But...for two minutes or so, we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. So, think of what you want to sing, if you want to sing, and we'll start tomorrow."

"Oh, I can't wait until Tomorrow, Mr. Shue. I've been bawling for three weeks. If I don't get this all out, I don't think I'll ever stop crying." Mercedes says standing up.

"Sure, Mercedes. Start us off." Mr. says.

"Um.....I remember Finn telling me that he sung this song to his baby's sonogram. Well, he thought it was his baby. He was the first cool kid to be nice to any of us, and he was...our leader in here. We love you Finn."

Later that day we were in the auditorium and Sam and Artie had a song they wanted to sing.

Santana had got up and left the room. Then everyone left the room and it was just me and Sam there. I was worried about him and I wanted to see if he was okay.

"Hey. I know this is a rhetorical question, but are you okay?" I ask.

"I don't know." He answers.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask.

"I don't know what to say. He was one of my best friends." He says.

"Yeah. He was pretty cool." I laugh softly.

"You know, he forced me and Quinn to sing together. Then we got together. It was crazy." He laughs.

I could tell that he was going to burst into tears so I pulled him closer to me and he wrapped his arms around my waist and cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay. Just cry it out." I tell him.
Later that day Santana was standing in front of the room ready to sing her song.

"Okay, I know Finn had his doubts about god, but I am convinced that squishyteets is up in heaven right now, plopped down next to his new best friend fat Elvis, helping themselves to a picnic of baby back ribs smothered in butterscotch pudding and tater tot grease, so, this is for you Hudson." Santana explains.

Santana had a break down and ran out of the room yelling and sobbing.
The next day I wanted to sing a song so I stood in the front of room nervously.

"Hi. I don't really know what to say. When I first met Finn I was in 7th or 6th grade....he was in New York for nationals show choir championship and he stopped in the sandwich shop and he sat down right in front of me. I asked having a hard day? He said try hard year. He explained everything that he was going through with his ex's and I was absolutely shocked at everything he was saying. Then I told him that he was in love with this girl then I said he needs to beg her and what can I say...he got the girl. Then he came back to McKinley with a sad expression and I told him that life is going to give you the worse things and all you can do is get back up and keep kicking down doors. He kicked down those doors and kept fighting. I'm glad I was able to get to know Finn he was a great person and an amazing friend. This is for you, Finn." I say.

After I finished the bell had rang and we all left the room.
Rachel had came back to see Finn's Memorial and to sing for us.

"Nobody treat me with kid gloves, okay? I don't know what to say, either. I loved Finn, and...he loved me, and he loved all of you guys. I know he did. I like to sing in the car and before Finn, I used to sing alone and this was the first song I sang with him when we would drive around together, so....this is for him." Rachel informs us.

It had been a long and sad week but we know that Finn is still in hearts.

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