55 | New Year, New Beginnings | December 31, 1899-January 1, 1900

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Oh my gosh that title is just music to my ears. Or...aesthetic for my eyes? It just-yes. I don't know haha. Woah. This is it. Anyway. Enjoy! :)

Today is the last day of 1899.

This is the last day Race can say eight teen ninety nine (but pronounced nine-dee nine) and it would be current. 

Because when that grandfather clock strikes midnight...

...It'll be 1900.

Not just a new year. Not just a new decade. A new century.

Wow. That's going to be something.

Does 19- have the same ring as 18-?

Only one way to find out, I guess.

No matter what, you're gonna have to get used to 19-.

That's true.

What's also weird is starting out in the beginning of the century. Since Race was born in the 1880's, he's only known what the last two decades of a century are like. Now they're starting over. And it'll be a hundred years before the century changes again--not that Race will see it change again.

Just get that in your head though. 1900. 19-0-1. 19-0-2. 19-10. It's a totally different feel.

Numbers are words. Race feels words. Numbers need to have that certain ring to work. But he can't control the year.

Tonight in the lodging house, they're all staying up till midnight.

Race has just a few hours to ask Spot to join them.

Brooklyn isn't his first stop though.

"Felice Anno Nuovo!" Race shouts out, knowing that it won't take long to get a response.

One, two, three...

"Felice Anno Nuovo!"

There it is.

His echo that isn't an echo.

Andrea and Giacomo peak out of the alleyway, smiling.

"Ready for a New Year's Eve card game?" Andrea asks.

Race grins. "Of course I am."

It doesn't take long for Giacomo to shuffle the cards and start passing them out.

"So, Antonio," Andrea makes conversation with a smirk, "I heard you're sfortunato al gioco, fortunato in amore."

Race knows that phrase well.

Unlucky in cards, lucky in love.

His face heats up. "I ain't sfortunato al gioco."

"So is that a yes on the fortunato in amore?" Giacomo asks him.

Race hides his face behind his cards.

(A/N: you might say he needs to work on his poker face ;) haha)

I'm not letting anyone else know about me and Spot.

This is just too embarrassing.

Since he's distracted, he never saw what Andrea had coming. Race loses the game.

"Well, I guess you are sfortunato al gioco after all," Andrea concludes.

Some friends I have.

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