Time Errors

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A common mistake I'm sure we all made is that we sometimes forget time. We think that because it's a book, time isn't as in real life. And unless it's an alternate world or universe where time changes or is different from earth's, be careful about what you say.

This is mostly for first person, but it can also apply to third person.

I can't really put an example for this one because it has to happen throughout the book. But, if you were talking about every single second you character lived and then say, "Sarah told me that she was going to have a party," but you never mentioned that, then your readers will be confused.

Not all people find mistakes easily. I'm an perfectness-seeker. I find errors in books very easily. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply for my own books. That's why in Unmasked, first Diana's mom's name was Katy, then magically her name changes to Susan. My sister pointed that out to me, in case you're wondering.

Another type of time error is when you say that someone is whatever age, and then a day later they are magically a year older or younger. Again, unless this is another world where ages change like that, be careful.

Here I can give an example. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Nearly. Headless Nick is almost four hundred years old. Then, in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, a year later, it's his five hundredth death day.
And if I'm not mistaken, ghosts' ages do not change that frequently.

Please, Harry Potter fans don't kill me or hate me. I'm also a big fan. I just found that error and thought it fit perfectly with this chapter.

I guess this is all, I'll write another chapter soon!
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