Chapter Length

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Chapter length: something we all need to work on.

Today I want to talk to you about short chapter and long chapters.

Short chapters- When I say short chapters, I'm referring to one/two-page chapters. Uh, no. TOO SHORT (btw, I'm guilty of this. Two-page chapters. I'm lazy, I know.)
Example why you shouldn't write one/two-page chapters:
You ended chapter 4 in a really cliffhanging cliffhanger. You haven't updated since 2013. When you update chapter 5, it's a one-page chapter. Half of it is an author's note explaining why you haven't updated.
Uh, no. I'm sorry, but that's not acceptable. I mean, readers will be very excited on reading more. More so if you haven't updated in ages! So give them a treat and give them a long chapter. But not too long...

Long chapters- When I say long chapters I mean 30+ pages. Uh, no. Unless it's CRUCIALLY CRUCIAL for you to have 30+ pages in your chapter, then don't write like that. Why?
Example: You updated on June 13, 2015 at 8:30 am. It's a 20-page-long chapter. You update the next chapter on June 13, 2015 at 6:45 pm. It's a 40-page-long chapter.
Uh, no. Why not? You're giving your readers too much to read. They won't be able to read everything without a pause. It's TOO OVERWHELMING! So please don't.

Pauses- Pauses! *pauses* Ok. I'm ready. *pause while she adjusts the mic* Pauses are important because, if the chapter is too long, and you have a little time to read, you can pause at one of the pauses. That's good. I love books with pauses. For example, Harry Potter. It's awesome that it had pauses, because the chapters are really long.

Ideal chapter length: 5-10 pages. More or less.

Use pauses. Don't write SUPERDUPERIPERMEGAULTRA long chapters. Don't write SUPERDUPERIPERMEGAULTRA short chapters. K? Thank you.



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