Writer's Fever

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Just kidding. This is my definition of writer's fever:

Writer's Fever: abbr. WF. Something writers get after writer's block. All the ideas suddenly come back into your mind, and you want to write everything at the same time. It's both good and bad at the same time, and you need to have at least three journals handy to write all the ideas down.

Okay, maybe the thee journals were a bit too much, but I did use two pages today. I had a very big case of writer's block, but then I prayed, and God took it away. Now I have a big case of writer's fever.

My best friend _ARoadToNowhereXx invented Writer's Fever, so a big shout out to her! XD She said it was what she called that dam holding all of your ideas back breaking and your brain flooding with them, so you have to write everything down at once.

I was about to write Unmasked just now, but I said, "Why not write a chapter about writer's fever? So, even though it hurt, I did. And the fact that I am hyper right now doesn't help much. I hit my friend and my sister, and I couldn't stop touching her hair.

This is my advice to people who have WF: Keep a journal handy. Don't get too excited. Keep calm and write. Write ANY AND ALL the ideas that pass through your mind. Write, write, write, and don't stop writing. (Unless your mom or dad is calling you and sounds very angry. Or unless your teacher is calling on you and your too caught up in your writing and you don't hear them, and your friend is nudging you to answer. Or unless- *interrupted by herself* Yep, she's definitely hyper.)

*shoots herself a death glare and continues* Thanks for reading. Please vote, comment, and get through WF!!!!

*fight against herself continues*

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