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Okay, I really don't have a good title for this chapter, so I put the only that came to my mind. Sorry.

This chapter is about people who don't like their writing. Maybe because they don't get enough votes, or reads, or they get bad comments. This is my advice:

1. If you get bad comments don't just ignore them. Yes, okay, maybe the reader is just being rude, but if they give you a reason why they don't like your story, or whatever it is they don't like, give them a chance. Look and see if you can fix what they don't like. Ask them for ideas on how to fix it, but DON'T use their ideas if it is something you don't like. It's YOUR style, so don't change it because of them. But if you do like their ideas, try to change it, and don't just ignore the comment. Don't think you're the best author and don't need any corrections, because we are human beings. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes. Once again, try to fix it.

2. If you have spelling errors in your synopsis picky people (like myself) wouldn't really want to read your story. And if you realize that you have spelling errors and you don't have many reads, maybe that's the problem, and ask someone to help you correct the grammar, or use spellcheck. Please.

3. Your style is YOUR style and no one else's. Many beginners want to write like their favorite authors. Don't. No one knows what's on your mind better than you do. And Don't. Plagiarize. You wouldn't like it if you wrote a book, and then you see it somewhere like someone else wrote it, would you?

4. Why do you write? Many people write to take their mind off things that are happening in their lives. Others write for fun. But others write on Wattpad for the votes and comments. Don't. Do. It. Just. For. That. Reason. You should write because you like to write, not to be liked because of your writing. Yes, maybe people like your writing and they like you, but think of at least one other reason that you write if that's your current reason for writing.

I think that's all for now. I hope this helps, and have a great year.

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