Plot Twists

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So, as you can see, I have decided not to erase this book. Thanks to DeliciousPopcicle for convincing me!

Okay, many of you might realize your story is getting a little bit boring. So, you decide to add a plot twist to make it more interesting. I would like to recommend an author who wrote short stories and all of them had plot twists. His real name was William Sydney Porter, but his pen name was O'Henry. O'Henry's stories were famous for their wit, wordplay, warm characterization, and clever twist endings. I recommend you to read some of his short stories to get and idea of what to use, and how to use it.

I read two of his stories in class, and some of the students could guess what the ending would be.

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Don't tell the reader what you are going to do all at once! That would ruin the story, unless, of course, that's what you want to do. Distribute it throughout the story, and even then with slight clues to what you will do. And don't drop a bomb on the reader just to see how they react! If you don't give clues to what you will do, the story won't make sense, and you won't surprise your readers, just confuse them.

Okay, I think this is all! Hope is helped, and check O'Henry's stories out.
Comment or PM me if you don't understand!

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