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Eyes. Okay, there are A LOT of things I would like to say about eyes.

1. First of all, when someone opens their eyes after sleeping, they don't 'flutter open like hummingbird wings.' No.

I'll use myself as an example. When I wake up, my eyes don't flutter open. They open, squint because of the light, I close them again, lie there a few minutes or seconds, open them again, squint again, rub them, and THEN get up.

Did you read anything about eyes fluttering open like hummingbird wings?

I thought so.

2. Okay, moving on. Something else about eyes is that they are not 'orbs' as some people call them.

"He looked at me with those emerald orbs that shone like emeralds—"

No. Just no.

"I focused my orbs to his orbs, and his orbs orbited around my orbing orbitty orbs—"

Even less.

3. Why do all main characters have to have blue or green or blue green eyes? If it's crucial to the story, fine. But if it's not, of you just want them to have blue eyes because they're 'prettier,' well, it's not true.

Society may see blue and green eyes as more beautiful than brown or another eyes colour, but all eye colours are pretty. God made us all special, whether we have blue eyes, brown eyes, grey eyes, green eyes, amber eyes, hazel eyes or any other colour.

So try giving your main character another eye colour. Maybe brown, or hazel. Grey is also a nice colour.

The typical 'blonde and blue eyed guy' ruins it all too. I mean, yeah, Chris Hemsworth is blonde and blue eyed. But that's almost about it. Give the guy some nice brown eyes, okay?

Look, Cedric Diggory had grey eyes, and he was one of the most popular guys at Hogwarts. (Not to mention, he was a Hufflepuff. AHEM.)

That's about it, I think. If I have more complaints on eyes, I'll add another chapter later on.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2016 ⏰

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