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Many people don't know when to use 'me' and when to use 'I'. I'll give you an example.
Julia and me went to the park. Correct? Wrong.
It should be Julia and I went to the park.
How do you know? Well, it's simple once you learn it.
You just take out the other people and look at yourself. Huh? You might be asking yourselves. Like this:
Julia and me went to the park.
Then you take out 'Julia and,' the other people, and it leaves it like this:
Me went to the park.
Does that sound right to you? It doesn't to me!
So now you know it should be:
Julia and I went to the park.
Now, another way to know which word to put is this:
'I' always goes before the verb.
Example: Julia and I went to the park.
In this case, went is the verb, so I goes before it.
'Me' always goes after the verb.
Example: Julia went to the park with me.
Went is the verb, so me goes after the verb.

Helpful? Confusing?
PM me if you're confused, and if it helped, you're welcome, and I'm glad it did.
DON'T stop reading of it confused you, just PM me please. I'm trying my best.
I'm sure no one will want to read a book with bad grammar, and if you plan on getting a job, people won't accept you because you got this wrong. That's why I'm telling you this.
I will try to update whenever I can, but these days I'm really busy, so... Don't despair if I don't update soon.
Happy New Year!

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