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One thing that really gets on my nerves is plot holes.
I will use one of the plot holes that I have in The Secret.

When Mr and Mrs Bethgull are going to adopt Maggie, they say that they have a dog. I never mention a dog afterwards, so I?

Many plot holes happen because you thought something first, and then you decided to change it, but the you forgot. That's what happens to me most of the time.

So here are some things you can do to have a perfect plot:

1. Reread the chapter before you post it.
This is going to be long, so prepare yourselves.
When you finish writing the first chapter in the whole book, reread it over and over again, and make sure there are no plot holes (or grammar mistakes) before you post it. Also, it would be good if someone else read it, too. Just to make sure everything's fine.
When you write the second chapter, reread EVERYTHING, from the first chapter, and check that there are no plot holes. Because you might have said something in the first chapter that you changed in the second one.
Do this with every chapter. If the you have a lot of chapters, or they are too long, then write down the most important things that you CAN NOT change, and read that instead.

2. Ask another person to read it for you.
Yeah, just that. If you're too lazy to read it yourself (like me), ask another person to read it (unlike me).
That was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made, mostly with Unmasked. I never asked another person to read it, and I was too lazy to do it myself. And look at how it turned out: a lot of grammatical HORRORS, not errors.

I guess that's all. Hope this helped you! And I WILL start doing this. Please vote if this helped you.

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