Introductions and First Chapters

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"Hi! My name is Amy and I am 13 years old. I have long blonde hair and blue eyes. My sister's name is Sophia, but everyone calls her Sophie. I go to Sweet Valley High School, and I'm a straight-A student. I-"

NOOOO!!!!! Please stop!!! Ugh, I HATED writing that.
Here are all the errors in this paragraph:

First of all, NEVER, EVER, start a story with 'Hi!' because... um... just don't. It's horrible. Readers will get bored. You need ACTION.

Second of all, Amy and Sophie. These names are SO overused. I can't count all the times I've seen "Hi, my name is Amy and my best friend is Sophie." Or something along those lines. Be creative! That's what imagination is for!

13 years old and in high school? Unless you're a REALLY smart person, you can't be in high school and be 13 years old.

Also, write out the numbers. 13 = NO! Thirteen = YES!

You should all have figured this one out by now: blonde hair and blue eyes. Nu-uh! Well, I mean, if it's important to the story, then he's, giver her blonde hair and blue eyes. But if it's not, then don't! Want to know some pretty combinations?
Brown hair and blue eyes. Black hair and green eyes. Black hair and blue eyes. Blonde hair and green eyes. Red hair and green eyes has to be my favorite. It's absolutely GORGEOUS. See? There is more to the world than blonde hair and blue eyes.
Interesting Fact: Know who invented the Aryan race (blonde hair and blue eyes)? A-D-O-L-F H-I-T-L-E-R. That's right. He said that only Aryans were qualified as people or something. So next time, think about hair and eye color.


But please don't, really. It drives me mad. And you know what? Everyone skips through that part.

Try to include his/her information along the book. What if we don't know she has black hair until the fifth chapter? It doesn't matter. I mean, why would you want to know his/her hair and eye color if it's not important to the story?
Now, I read this book where the girl has fire powers and ice powers, and her icy blue eyes and flaming red hair represent them.

There you have another combination: red hair and blue eyes. It's really creative and imaginative in my opinion. Try to be as creative as that.

Dedicated to LiannaYoung , who came up with the idea of the red hair and ice-blue eyes. Great imagination!

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