15) Meeting - Yoongi

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Yoongi was actually in hell having over a week off from work. He thought he was actually going in sane. Though it did help him with getting a solid 10 to 12 hours of sleep a day. It also helped him recover a lot faster since all he did was rest and eat. Luckily Jimin and Hoseok were also home with him, the couple making sure to keep his company all the time. His shoulder still hurt like a bitch but his bruises were starting to fade and his cuts were beginning to heal.

Even though Jin said that Yoongi could take as many days off as he needed, by Thursday he refused to stay away from his studio for another day, he was so bored without work and not really leaving the house in general besides to go to the store. He did compromise to only go in for a shorter amount of hours, noon or 1pm to 5pm, to at least gather his partial thoughts so then he knew what he could talk about with Namjoon. Yoongi also spent about half of the time in his studio trying to find out more information about Namjoon through the web, be it social media or intensely reading through every lyric and listening to every song he's put out there. Yoongi just hoped it would all be enough to keep a basic conversation with him since he wasn't really used to meeting new people. He did find a lot of challenged upon returning to work. He still couldn't move his arm but being able to adjust his chair to the perfect height, he was able to take the sling off and use hind/fingers.

Soon enough, a week and a day had passed since they originally made plans and it was now Monday evening. Jimin and Hoseok had already showered and changed before the three of them headed to Jin's family's restaurant to meet the other guys. Yoongi was so nervous he was shaking getting into the car. Jimin had to sit next to him in the backseat, carefully placing his arms around Yoongi and aimlessly drawing random patterns on his back with his hand. While doing so, Jimin noted Yoongi's soulmate mark glowing brightly, that could only mean that his soulmate was getting closer to him. Jimin didn't really think much of it though since Yoongi's mark would often glow and then simmer out randomly, indicating that his soulmate would be walking in all sorts of directions.

Luckily Yoongi had managed to somewhat calm down by the time they had gotten to the restaurant and greeted Jin. The three were the last to arrive but that was okay since they all got there together.

"Well I guess let's start with introductions since not everyone knows everyone here. You all already know me and Ken so there is no reason for me to introduce ourselves, but Namjoon this is Yoongi, Hoseok and Jimin and you three this is Namjoon, my friend who is also known on SoundCloud under the name RM working as a producer and songwriter." Jin explained as he gestured to each person as he spoke their name.

"It's nice to meet you all. Jin has told me a lot about you." Namjoon said, giving each of the three boys a friendly handshake and a warm smile.

Dinner actually went surprisingly well in Yoongi's opinion, he discovered he and Namjoon have a lot more in common than he thought, something about him just made sense in his mind and made him want to spend more time in his presence. Namjoon wasn't much different with his thoughts about Yoongi. The two really hit it off, neither of them paying any mind to them both being soulmate-less. Namjoon just wanted to simply sit by the elder while listening to him talk about his music for hours on end. Though neither of them wanted to admit it, they were both very excited about spending some time together doing something both of them were passionate about. Somewhere along the line, Jin even joked about how Yoongi should move out of Hoseok and Jimin's house and become Namjoon's roommate. Even though it was a joke, Yoongi couldn't help but not be bothered to argue and for some odd reason, wished that it was happening. Little did he know Namjoon was thinking the same thing. By the end of the night, Namjoon and Yoongi had agreed to meet up at Yoongi's studio everyday starting later that week on Wednesday from 6pm-8:30pm. 

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