[2]- N A T A L I A A N D T H E A

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6 years later

NATALIA AND HER BEST FRIEND were standing in a small patch of flowers. At age six, Natalia's hair had grown bright and long, trailing down her back with braids throughout it. Her best friend, Thea Tailsman, had shorter ginger hair and blue-green eyes that would seemingly light up in the dark.

They were making flower crowns when Thea's older bothers ran over, having been looking for their sister for hours. "Thea!" Alexander scolds her walking over. "What are you doing!?" Thea looks up at her big brother with a smile on her face.

"I made a friend!" She exclaims pointing to Natalia who was making a flower crown.
"Really?!" Alvin says staring at the girl making a crown. There was something familiar about her but he couldn't place it.

"Thea!" The other girl exclaims standing up and running over to her.

"Yeah?" Thea asks turning around.

"I made you a crown!" Natalia says giggling as she places the crown on her head.

"Why thank you Lady Talia." Thea says curtsying.

"Of course Lady Thea." Talia responds curtsying in return.

"Natalia!" A voice suddenly shouts, making Natalia groan and the four siblings to turn and see Natalia's three eldest brothers walking over.

"Hi 'Lijah," Talia says as they get closer. Finn chuckles and picks up Talia and she whispers in his ear. "Who are you?" Elijah asks The four siblings standing there.

"I'm Alexander Tailsman, my brothers Alvin and Adam. And then Thea, who seems to know Natalia." Alexander answered, picking up his little sister.

Natalia wiggled out of Finns arms and ran over to Nik, who quickly picked her up and proceeded to make silly faces at her. Then it hit Alvin why she looked so familiar. His father Ansel, had an affair with one of the village women, and he ended up with a son. But the woman refused to let Ansel see him and didn't tell her husband about it.

And then one night he came home carrying a little bundle saying that he had found her abandoned in the woods.

"You're wolves." Finn says realizing why he had never seen them in the village before.

Adam nodded his head. "Yea we are... Thea isn't yet though, hasn't activated hers yet."

Elijah nodded, "so long as it doesn't put my sister into danger, she may continue to be friends with yours."

Alexander nodded, "same for you, you're witches correct?"

"Not all of us," Niklaus supplied, passing Natalia to Eliajh. "Father is looking for you Tals," he told the girl before walking away with

"Please stay away form Natalia." Elijah says before taking Talia from Nik and walking away. Finn and Nik soon followed but Talia looked back at them and waved. Thea waved back before the Tailsman siblings headed back to their own home, shocked that the first time they had met their younger brother was when they found out who Thea's true parents were.


3 years later

Talia was walking through the market when she ran into someone. Letting out a small shout of surprise, Talia landed on her butt with a thud. The older boy who ran into her quickly picked up her things, passing them to her as he helped her up.

"I am so sorry!" He said, running a hand through his hair.

"It's okay mister..." She says before realizing she doesn't know his name.

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