[5]-W H Y A R E Y O U L E A V I N G M E?

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All we have left of people
Is the memory of them;
And the hole
They leave in you heart
When they're gone

NATALIA WATCHED AS HER SISTERS BODY BURNED. Tears streaming down her face as she watched form afar as Alexander and Alvin burned Thea Rose Tailsman's body, before carving her name in the same tree where Ansel and Adam's name were also carved.
"Come Talia," Elijah said, placing his hand on his younger sisters shoulder, steering her away from the two wolves.

"It's Natalia," the blonde responded, shrugging her older brothers hand off of her. She walked ahead of him, Elijah sighed, running a hand through his hair before speeding in front of his kid sister. Natalia jumped, eyes filling with fear, jumping back. Elijah looked down at the younger girl with a look in his eyes. One Natalia couldn't detect.

But as soon as the look was there, it was gone. Elijah grabbed her shoulder again, with a firmer grip, and lead the way back to their hut. When they entered the hut, Elijah let go of Natalia and she stormed off to the garden.

Natalia stared at the flowers for a moment, walking further into the garden, her foot hit something. She looked down to see a flower crown woven out of purple flowers. She smiled, it was the one she had made for Niklaus when they were painting. She flopped down on the ground next to it, her curly unruly mess of hair falling forward into her eyes as she did so. She smoothed out her dress, pushing her hair back and setting the crown on her head. She then picked some of the flowers nearest to her, and began to weave it into a crown. Using the sunflowers and roses she made one that Thea would've been proud of and Henrik would've loved.
She could remember days when Mikael would be teaching the boys how to fight with swords, and how her Rebekah and Thea would help Kol and Henrik sneak away to the flower field where Mikael couldn't find them. There, Kol would help Natalia with her magic, while Rebekah and Thea taught Henrik how to make flower crowns. Then they would sneak back into the village and take food from Tatia who would then help them sneak back out, and they would all have a 'feast' together in the flower field.
She smiled at the thought, now Thea, Tatia, and Henrik were all dead, Kol and Rebekah were basically dead, and Natalia had lost everything.

She heard footsteps behind her, turning around to see Kol standing there, he had a sad look on his face. Natalia gave him a weak smile, which he returned. She pulled the crown off of her head, looking down at it before making the worst decision she ever could. Natalia looked up at her favorite brother before patting the ground next to her. Kol smiled a real smile at her, before walking forward and sitting down next to her.

Why did I do that?!

What is wrong with you!??

Bad Natalia Freya!

Natalia sallowed nervously before slowly, and very carefully, leaning her head on Kol's shoulder. He tensed up for a second, making Natalia regret her decision, but before she could move away, Kol relaxed and pulled the girl closer to him.
"Hi Kola," Natalia mumbled, into his shoulder. Letting a few stray tears out, soaking her older brothers shirt.

Kol let out a laugh. The first real one he'd had sense they'd been turned, he smiled down at his baby sister, how her head was shoved into his side/shoulder to hide her face, and her curly hair sticking up everywhere. "Hi Tals," he said, using the nickname he used to use for her.
The two siblings just stayed like that for a while, relaxing in what would be their last peaceful day together.

Natalia didn't know how long her and Kol were sitting out there for, but when they heard footsteps behind them, and a blonde haired girl sat next to them, the realized it had been a while. Rebekah sat down on Natalia's other side. She reached a hand up slowly, setting it on her only sisters arm, Natalia looked over at her sister. She paused for a second before pushing herself forward into her sisters arms. Hugging the girl firmly, wrapping her arms around her waist, as Rebekah looked up at Kol in shock, her lips parted perfectly into an 'o'. She then wrapped her arms around the younger girl, resting her chin on the top of her head.

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