[5]- N I K L A U S

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IT HAD BEEN a couple weeks sense Talia found out that Thea was her half-sister. The entire family noticed that something was off, so Nik took her to her flower field while the rest of the family were busy.

"Nik! Look!" Talia yelled excitedly running over to her older brother holding what looked to be lavender. Nik stood up from his spot on the floor and took the flower from his sister. Talia was only eleven years old and her natural beauty was starting to show.

Her hair was starting to get lighter, while her eyes where getting bluer by the day. Her hair no longer stood still and straight, but it bounced with each step, it had started to curl up in waves framing her face, making her freckles stand out on her pale skin.

"What is this Talia?" Nik asked looking from the flower to his younger sister looking up at him with a huge grin on her face. "It's a vervain flower!" Talia said pulling out a crown she had made with them.

"It's said to keep away evil sprits!" She said handing the crown to her big brother. "Why thank you Talia," Nik says "but I think you need this beautiful crown more than I do," he says placing the crown on her head, tucking a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.

But little did the two siblings know, was that they were being watched. Hidden in the trees Alexander stood watching the two siblings. His father decided sense it was him who let it slip to Talia that Thea was her sister that he had to be the one to watch her to make sure she didn't tell anyone.

He watched his half brother play with Talia and as he placed a flower crown on her head. The two siblings then gathered different colored flowers and plants to turn into paints.

"What are you painting Nik?" Talia asked trying to see what her brother was painting. "Eyes on your own paper!" Nik said pulling back so she couldn't see his drawing, he was painting a picture of Talia sitting in the valley with her flower crown on her head.

"Ugh! Fine!" Talia said before dumping the handmade red paint on Nik's head. Talia started to laugh when she saw Nik's hair covered in paint. "Oh it is on!" Nik shouted before pouring the green paint all over her.

"Ah! Nik!" She shouted smacking her brother with her paint brush. Nik retaliated to this by picking her up and tossing her over his shoulder. "Nik! Put me down!" Talia managed to get out between her laughs.

Alexander shook his head and let out a chuckle as Nik picked up his painting and Talia's before walking back to the village.


The first thing Kol saw when him and Henrik walked outside to get dinner ready, was Nik walking with Talia over his shoulder, both of them covered in paint. "What happened?" Henrik asked his older brother as he walked over to them.

"Talia here threw paint all over me," Nik said gesturing to the now sleeping blonde over his shoulder. Kol laughed and took the paintings in Nik's free hand. "Thanks Kol," Nik said before walking inside the house to put Talia on her bed.

"Good Night little one," Nik said kissing her head before leaving the house and going over to Elijah.

"Hello Niklaus," Elijah said nodding his head towards his younger brother.

"Hello Elijah," Nik responded.

The two sat and talked for a while before it was finally time for bed. All the siblings went to their room where they saw Talia asleep taking up her bed, Kol's and Elijah's, the two people she sleeps next too.

Elijah chuckles and moves Talia onto her own bed. Then all the siblings got into their own beds of hay and cloths. Once Kol laid down Talia instantly curled into his side, Kol let out a sigh but put his arm around Talia and pulled her in.

A/N: Hello! So this is the first book in this series but it might have a few minor spoilers for the next book, but they can't really be considered spoilers sense it's the first book... So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter of a little paint fight between Nik and Talia!! Remember the painting that Nik made, it's gonna show up in the future books!!

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