[8]- H E N R I K

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Edit: so originally, Natalia was the one subjected to the abuse in this chapter, but I'm going through and changing her bond with Mikael so instead of it being her it's Niklaus... I've just been thinking about it and decided that I want Natalia to at least have had one good bond with a parent, since she does not have one with Esther. 🙃 (November 22 2023)

TALIA HAD JUST turned thirteen, and while Henrik was a year older than her, for three months she could say that they were the same age, since technically they were. This always made Henrik mad when they were younger, but he got used to it, especially when his birthday came around and Talia had to wait another year to say that.

The two siblings were out in the village market that day collecting food for Rebekah's seventeenth birthday dinner in three days. "So Henrik," Talia started when the two siblings passed by a smiling Elijah talking to an also smiling Tatia.

"Yes sister dearest?" Henrik asked bumping his shoulder with hers, Talia flinched at the contact and Henrik's smile fell. "Oh my god! T I'm so sorry! I forgot about it-" Henrik starts to ramble apologies to his younger sister, but Talia waves him off.

"It's fine," she says rubbing her shoulder, where under her sleeve a purple bruise was starting to form. She had fallen to the ground hard the other day when Elijah was teaching her how to use a sword, which Niklaus took the blame for when Mikael found out. It hadn't ended well... Henrik slung an arm around Talia and the two kept on walking, unaware that the Tailsman siblings were watching them.


The two had slowly made their way to the flower field. Henrik set down the basket of food and the two siblings sat down and started to make flower crowns. Henrik's was made of daisies while Talia's was made of dahlias.

"Here you go Prince Henrik," Talia said giggling as she set her crown down on Henrik's head. The small boy let out a laugh before his smile fell and he looked over her shoulder. Talia noticed this and turned around to see a very mad Mikael standing there.

The two quickly stand up, "where is Niklaus?" Mikael asked the two.

Talia and Henrik shared a look. "I don't know," lie. He was out in the woods finding berries for his paints. But the two had been instructed by Elijah strictly to not tell Mikael where Nik was and to let their older brother know the second Mikael asked.

Mikael scowled, having gotten the same response from his other children as well. Grabbing Talia's arm in one hand and Henrik's in the other. Dragging the two children away from the quarry, he brought them to the only other place Niklaus would be. The woods.

"Father!" Henrik cried, trying to pull his arm away. "You're hurting me!"

"Quiet boy!" Mikael snapped. Talia stayed quiet, allowing her father to drag her through the woods to where Nik would be.

And just their luck... he was...

Nik stood up in fright upon seeing his father enter the clearing with his two littlest siblings in his grasp. "Father..." Nik started before being cut off by Mikael.

"Quiet boy," he let go of Talia and Henrik, resting his hand on his sword hilt. "What are you doing?"

"I-I'm just making paint," Nik held his arms up in defeat, glancing at his brother and sister to make sure they were okay.

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