[2] - D E A T H O F S I B L I N G S, R I S E O F D A R K N E S S

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A week after Henrik's death they were all sitting around the dinner table.
   Esther had gotten a special wine for the evening and it was blood red in color and in taste.

Talia had chosen against drinking any due to the fact that she didn't feel it right to be drinking something so expensive and rich in flavor so soon after her brother's death. Henrik had only been a year older than her, making the two almost as close as Natalia was with Kol, or Elijah with Niklaus, or as close as Rebekah was with Henrik.
And Rebekah was suffering the most. Henrik would always follow her around, laugh at everything she said and sat next to her at all meals. So now, there was an empty seat where he should've been sitting.

Talia suddenly had the urge to use the bathroom, so excusing herself from the table she got up and walked outside to the outhouse. She walked in and looked at her reflection in the tiny dirty and cracked mirror in there.
   Her blonde hair was dirty and raty, and had a small braid going through it. Talia let out a quiet sob was she realized that was the braid Henrik had given her the day before he had died.

"Talia!"  Henrik shouted running to his little sister at the back of the house.

Said girl turned around, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her older brother.
"yes Henrik?"

"Can I braid your hair?" He asked, his big eyes filled with innocence.
"Yea!" Talia turned around so her back was to him and bounced slightly as he started to braid a strand of her hair.

"Stop bouncing Tals!" Henrik said laughing, trying to hold his little sister still as he braided.

A tear ran down Natalia's face as she remembered that day a week ago, that felt like an eternity. When Talia heard a scream followed by a shout come from the house she wiped her tear and quickly ran out and back towards the house.

"Talia!" a voice shouted trying to get her to stop but she ran back into the house, slamming the door open with a resounded bang.
   She let out a scream at what she saw.

All of her siblings were dead. Covered in their own blood. Laying across the floor with Finn in his chair. She frantically looked at the bodies, quickly finding Kol's and pulled his head into her lap. "KOL!" she shouted slapping her brother across the face, hoping that the blood that covered his body wasn't his and he was just asleep.

"No! No No. No. No. No. No!" She shouted tears streaming down her face as she pulled him closer to her. Suddenly a gasp of air brought her back to reality. She whipped her head around to see Finn sit up gasping for air in his seat. Natalia let out a scream, making the newly awakened vampire to turn and look at his youngest sister.

"Talia?" he mumbled, voice sounding dazed and confused.
"You were dead!" She screamed, pushing Kol's head out of her lap and scooting away from him.

She bumped into Elijah's body, right as he sat up gasping for air. She let out another scream scrambling to her feat and backing away from her two oldest brothers who were looking around in confusion.

As she was backing up she hit something hard. She turned around to see her father standing there, blood covering his body.
  But it wasn't his blood. It was her siblings blood.

She let out a scream and tried to run but he gripped her arm. "You stay behind me Natalia, Esther wants to turn you but you are too young." He shook her slightly. "Do not say a word, understood?"

Natalia nodded out of fear, moving behind her father. In his other hand, he gripped tightly onto a woman with ruby red hair.

She noticed it as the woman who Finn had been courting in the past few months, her name was Rachel. Almost as if on cue, Nik sat up, gasping for air at the same time as Rebekah. Mikael forced Rachel's wrist into Rebekah's face.

"Drink!" he commanded. When she didn't, he shoved the wrist into her face and dark veins appeared under her eyes and fangs came out of her gums. All of them watched in horror as Rebekah drank hungrily from Rachel's wrist.
Mikael eventually had to shove the girl away. Rebekah hit the grind hard as she let out a whimper and held her head in her hands. When Nik tried to go over and comfort her, Mikael blocked his way and shoved the bloody wrist in his face.

He repeated this process through Elijah and Finn, Finn only taking a few drops before pulling away on his own, careful not to harm the girl he loved. But, by the time it was Kol's turn, he had almost lost himself to the bloodlust.

When Mikael shoved the near dead girl in his face, Kol couldn't help himself. He kept on trying to pull away but he couldn't. He physically couldn't pull his teeth out of the poor girls neck. Eventually she was drained of all blood and her body landed on the ground with a thump.
  Finn let out a cry in shock as he watched his brother kill his lover. Talia let out a scream and covered her mouth with her hands and squeezed her eyes shut.

"Oh my god," Bekah said being the first to notice the small girl in the corner, with her eyes shut firmly and hands covering her nose and mouth the block out the smell of dried blood and wine.
"Talia," Elijah said, slowly walking over to his youngest sister. Natalia opened her eyes at the sound of her name, when she saw Elijah standing in front of her, blood covering his shirt she let out another scream before running out the door.

"NATALIA!" a voice shouted after her but she didn't stop.

Her siblings watched as their baby sister ran out of the house and into the woods. Her blonde hair and dress flying behind her as she ran. As far away from her siblings as possible.

Talia had never ran so much in her life.
She ran for her life. She didn't stop when she heard her siblings call after her, she just ran.

When she ran into something she let out a scream and fell to the ground. She looked up to see Adam sanding there. His brows furrowed in confusion, but his chocolate colored eyes full of worry and concern for the girl who was his half-sister.

Natalia quickly scrambled to her feet and launched herself into his arms, hugging him tightly.
Adam hesitated before returning the hug, and picking her up bridal style. With the young girls head buried in the crook of his neck, he carried her back to where the rest of his family were.

"Talia?" Thea asked standing up quickly. She rushed over to her best friend, as Adam set her down on his bed. Ansel ran over with Alvin and Alexander close behind.

"Natalia what happened?" Ansel asked his daughter who was shaking her head and mumbling something over and over again underneath her breath.
"Natalia!" Ansel said her name again, louder this time. It seemed to snap the girl out of it and she looked up to meet his eyes.

"He ki-he killed them," she let out between sobs.
"Who? Who killed them?" Alvin asked, immediately realizing that the 'them' was her siblings.

Natalia let out more sobs and shook her head repeated what she had said, over and over again.

"HE KILLED THEM!" she yelled letting out a scream that made the trees shake. Alexander pulled his hand away from where it had been holding the girls hand. Her hand was glowing orange and it was like she was taking the magic straight from him.
  "Mikael killed them," she repeated quietly, so quiet that they only heard her because they were werewolves. "Mikael killed them all. He-he killed Finn. He killed Elijah. He killed Nik. He killed Rebekah. He killed KOL!" She sobbed

All the Tailsman's were in shock. Mikael had killed them all. The only survivor was Natalia.
   Then they heard it. Screams. They rushed to the edge of the woods, with Natalia following holding tightly onto Ansel's arm.

Standing there drinking the blood of the villagers were the Mikaelson siblings. Turned in beasts. Killed by their father.

And that was the Rise Of Darkness.

A/N: Is it too late to say I'm sorry?? I had to kill them to make them complete the transition and the entire plot of TVD and TO and Legacies to happen... also, I haven't decided yet if Henrik is gonna stay dead or if he's gonna come back! I guess you'll just have to read on and find out! Also!! As you know Mikael kills Ansel and his family, so I'm very sorry if you guys grew attached to the Tailsman family but just so you know. The next chapter will be the LAST time you see all of them alive and together! Sorry!!

Always And Forever || The Youngest Mikaelson || The Vampire Diaries Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora