[6]- K O L

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EVER SENSE NATALIA was born, her and Kol were always together, like two peas in pod. When Talia could walk, there was a prank every day. When Talia was ten years old her and Kol got in so much trouble that they were banned from being in the same place without Finn or Elijah there sense Nik would usually just let them do what ever they wanted.

So when Mikeal took the older boys on a hunting trip and Esther took Henrik and Rebekah to the village store, Talia and Kol were left alone together for the first time in two years. "So," Kol started walking over and sitting down next to his younger sister, brushing his hair out of his face, "what do you want to do?"

Talia just shrugged her shoulders, which made Kol sigh and shake his head disappointed in her as it seemed she had lost her mischief. He got up and grabbed a bag of flour from the kitchen and poured it all over Talia.

"KOL!" She let out a scream as it fell all over her. Kol let out a laugh, but he stopped when Talia grabbed two eggs and threw them at him. Talia then started laughing, seeing the egg yolk and shells splattered all over Kol's face and hair.

"Oh it is on!" Kol shouted grabbed a carton of milk and poured it soon her hair. Talia grabbed a wooden spoon and a thing of melted chocolate Esther had gotten for when Mikeal was gone, and all the kids were home.

"Talia!" Kol shouted holding his hands out in front of him as a sign for her to stop. "Mother will kill us both!" Talia either didn't care or she was willing to face the consequences. Kol gave up on trying to convince her not to pour the chocolate on him and he ran out the door, only to run into Elijah, who had gone ahead to tell them they were back.

"Kol?" Elijah questioned seeing his younger brother run out of the house covered in eggs. "No time to explain! Run!" Kol shouted before running out of the village and to the valley. Elijah stared after his brother, wondering what he was running from, when Talia ran out of the house holding a thing of melted chocolate and a wooden spoon.

"Where did he go 'Lijah!?" Talia asked her older brother, when Elijah didn't answer she groaned and ran off in the direction she thought she saw him go, towards the valley.

"Oh gods," Elijah whispered rubbing his face with his hands, groaning wondering how he was going to tell their parents about this one.

"Elijah!" Elijah turned around to see Rebekah running ahead of their mother and Henrik. "Was that Talia running covered in flour and milk?" she questioned her older brother placing a hand on his arm, as a welcome home gesture.

Elijah sighed before nodding his head, "come with me to get her and Kol?" Rebekah laughed and nodded her head, so the two siblings left Esther and Henrik to make dinner while they got the two trouble makers, before they could kill each other.


When Kol had arrived in the valley, he had no idea that people were already there. Thea and her older brothers were trying to relax after a bad full moon, when they heard someone run into the valley.

They looked up to see Kol covered in eggs run into the valley and stop to catch his breath. Not only a minute later they see a familiar blonde covered in flour and what seemed to be milk run and jump onto Kol's back.

"I got you!" Talia shouted dumping the chocolate all over him, Thea covered her mouth to hold in her laughter, but Adam juts let out a chuckle not caring if the two siblings heard him. Which they didn't, cause at that exact moment Kol let out a cry and swung around making Talia go flying off of his back and onto the flowers.

She laid on the flowers for a bit before laughing and standing up before charging at her big brother once more. This time she was able to tackle him to the ground successfully and then promptly sat on him.

"Ha! I win!" Talia said proudly crossing her arms. "Ok, ok," Kol said coughing, "now get off of me!" Talia shakes her head, "make me," she says before she sees two figures walking towards them.

"Nooooo," She whines. "What?" Kol asks her trying to lift up his head to see what it was. "It's Elijah and Bekah." Talia says getting off of Kol before Elijah could yell at her and kicking him in the side.

"There you two are!" Elijah said tossing Talia over his shoulder, not caring if he got his shirt dirty. "Kol!" she shouted reaching out to her brother, "help me!" Kol and Rebekah laugh at her and Kol shakes his head jogging up to them, to walk behind them making faces at Talia the entire time home.

When they get there the party of four come to a stop, "what! What is it?" Talia asked trying to look around Elijah's other shoulder at what made them stop. "It's Niklaus," Elijah says quickly setting Talia down and helping out his younger brother that their father seemed to hate.

Talia's mouth dropped at the sight, tears filling her eyes. Why was their father so cruel to Nik but none of them? What did he ever do to him?

Nik's arm was bleeding badly and he was crying. "Come on," Elijah said grunting, helping Nik stand up and supporting his weight by tossing his good arm over his shoulder. "Rebekah, run ahead and get some towels and bandages, take Talia with you," Elijah tells his older younger sister. Rebekah nods her head and takes Talia's hand before running ahead.

"Kol, make sure father doesn't see me bring Nik inside the house," Elijah tells his younger brother, Kol nods his head before also running ahead to make sure Mikael was distracted. Later that night Talia still wasn't able to get all the flour out of her hair so she just decided to go to bed with it still in.

Which in the morning when everyone woke up, did they all laugh, even Nik, at the sight. Talia's blonde hair was white from the flour and so was Kol's face.

A/N: I just love Kol and Talia together! I hope you guys do too! So after doing a chapter about Talia and each sibling, things are going to start to get quite sad so, enjoy the fluff while it lasts... I'm sorry about how there's not gonna be a lot more of Kol and Talia until Book Two... and for what's going to happen I'm very sorry and I've cried thinking about what's going to happen... Happy reading! c:

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