[1] - W O L V E S N I G H T O U T

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IT HAD BEEN A few months sense the dreadful day in the quarry, and Nik was planning something.
They all knew it. And Henrik was in on it.

So, on the night of the full moon, when Nik and Henrik snuck away, Talia followed. 
    They had discussed it and Talia chose to be the one to stay up and watch to see if they left. She was then supposed to wake up the others and they would follow and get them to stop.

But Talia being Talia decided that she didn't need help and she followed them by herself.
Now, if she had chosen to wake up the others, one of two things could've happened.

1) They all would've perished at the hands of the wolves.


2) An innocent life could've been spared.

But Talia didn't know this. 
So she went out to follow them but was stopped by Thea running out of the woods and grabbing onto her. What Thea was about to tell her probably saved her life as she looks back on it, but ended Thea's.

"Talia!" Thea shouted grabbing the girls arms. "Let go! I need to find Nik and Hen!" She said pushing the girl off of her and running after the last place she saw her two brothers go.

"NO! TALIA! STOP!" Thea ran after the girl and tackled her to ground. The two went rolling and ended up at the feet of three familiar boys.

The two girls said their names at the same time quickly getting up and brushing the dirt off of them.

"What are you two doing up at this hour?" Alexander asked the two crossing his arms and looking at both of them with stern looks.
"Well I was looking for Talia, who was looking for Nik." Thea says nudging Talia in the arm, making the girl wince. 
    Mikeal had once more hit the girl and her shoulder had a terrible bruise forming.

"What's Niklaus doing up?" Alvin asked getting worried. 
After all it was the full moon.

"Him and Henrik snuck off to watch the wolves transform. I'm going after them." Talia said.
     It seemed as if saying that triggered something, like Mother Nature was pushing them all down a path, the wrong one, a scream rang out throughout the woods followed by a shout.

Talia froze. 
She knew that scream.

"HENRIK!" She screamed breaking into a run. She ran as fast as she could bundling the ends of her torn and ratty dress in her hands as she did.
   She ran and ran. Blood pumping through her ears, making it impossible for her to hear the screams and shouts coming from both in front of her and behind. Her heart pounded as she ran.

"HENRIK!!" She screamed once more. It was almost as if something took control of her that night as Natalia looked back on it. It had always been a hazey memory, the one of her brother dying, but never-less she still remembered everything else. It had just been this moment and one other this happened to her.
       Time slowed, her hearing enhanced, she could hear the sound of feet running, two heartbeats, one fast, the other slow, slowing down, almost stopped.

"HEN!" She screamed in both fear and relief. She had found him, but he wasn't ok. Nik was carrying him and he was covered in blood. Henrik had these long claw marks through his chest and his breathing short and shallow.
       "NIK!" Talia shouted getting her older brother to stop. "Set him down!" She shouted fumbling for the clasp on her blue stoned necklace. Nik set Henrik down on the ground and Talia began mumbling a familiar spell.

She had learned it a few years back when she was around nine, a nice young girl from a neighboring village had taught it to her and given her the necklace, a match to one she had. Talia prayed to whichever gods were listening to save him as she chanted.

 Eventually she stopped when she felt a small flow of life course into the necklace, and then stop, with Henrik's heart. Talia backed away shaking her head and sobbing. "N-nik, I couldn't." She sobbed covering her mouth with her hands as she fell to the ground sobbing.
    "Help me carry him back." Nik gritted out as he picked Henrik up again. She nodded and the two siblings slowly made their way back to their parents. Where certain doom awaited them.


Rebekah awoke to screams. "MOTHER!" "MOTHER HELP!" She recognized the two voices and  shot up from her bed. 
   Chaos consumed the village as Esther and Mikael ran out of their homes, closely followed by their children, people stopped their normal morning work to watch as Niklaus set down his younger brother, who was covered in blood. The two were closely followed by young Natalia who was also covered in blood, but not signs of open wounds or cuts. She just had an empty look in her eyes.

"HENRIK!" Esther screamed as she ran forward, she skidded to the ground and clasped her sons hands in hers and began chanting. She didn't open her eyes for a while but when she did, she let out a sob and fell back against Mikael who was staring at his youngest sons body.

 It was in this moment that something snapped in every Mikaelson. Finn had just watched another one of siblings die, he hadn't be able to handle Freya and now Henrik, his baby brother. Wherever Elijah looked he saw Henrik, where he would lay in the grass in the morning, where Nik would teach him sword fighting, where him and Rebekah would make flower crowns out of the view of their father of course. Niklaus had been the cause of his little brothers death and it was like in that exact moment a wall made itself around his heart.
         Rebekah had just lost her best friend, the one who was always there for her and vis versa, the two had made a vow, 'Always and Forever' they would stick together until they were old and wrinkly, but now that would never happen. Kol had just lost the first person who ever really paid attention to him, when Henrik was five he had seen Kol all alone so he went over and sat with him, after that Kol finally got the courage to actually interact with the family and then he got to know Natalia more, his best friend. Natalia had witnessed her brothers death and couldn't stop it, even though that necklace was meant to save one of her brothers from death, at least, that's what she was told by the mysterious girl she had met. Esther had once more, not been able to do anything about losing one of her children, she had lost Freya due to her own foolishness and now she had lost Henrik, her little boy.

 Finn hadn't really been close to his little brother, but he had already lost one of his siblings, and now he had lost two. Elijah was the one who found out about Nik's and Henrik's plan to sneak out to watch the wolves, if he had just told either his mother or father baout it then this wouldn't have happened. Mikael was furious, this had all happened because of the wolves. If they were stopped or redeemed useless then no more of his family would perish. They would be safe. So as Mikael watched as Finn and Elijah picked up Henrik's body and bring it around to the back for his burial, Mikael made a choice.
      No matter what he would get his family to be immortal. 

No matter the cost.

A/N: Dang! That took me a while! This is the kick off to Act II. How is it? Did ya like the cliffhanger? I know I did!! Time to move on to the next chapter!!
Also, do you like the way I've written this chapter? Just the way I had it be all like "Now, if she had...". It's something I'm probably going to do for this act, and then something different for Act III, if there is one!! Anywho! Enjoy reading on!!

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