[1]- D E A T H O F A S I B L I N G

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The Mikaelson siblings refused to believe the news until they saw it. They had heard that a village of the survivors from their old village and other werewolves had been burnt to the ground and everyone was slaughtered by Mikael.

After talking over it and deciding that their father wouldn't have stayed there any longer, they raced home.

Now they stood on the same hill that Kol had danced with Natalia on, on her wedding night. They looked out at the destruction, the charred houses and burnt bodies.

"Oh my gods." Rebekah moved first, rushing down the hill with her dress pulled up so she could run better.

Finn and Elijah followed, leaving Niklaus and Kol standing there.

"Do you think he killed her?" Kol asked his big brother in a small voice.

"Yes," Niklaus' voice was just above a whisper, one without supernatural hearing would've missed it completely. "She was just as much of a bastard as I am. He wouldn't have let her live."

Kol nodded, holding back tears. "She was married. Expecting a child. I could hear its heartbeat. Do you think he killed it too?"

Niklaus looked at his little brother, and pulled him into a hug. "There is no way the child could've survived this."

Kol let out a sob, hugging his brother tightly before letting go. "We should try to find her."

The two brothers sped down the hill, meeting the rest of their family.

"The bodies are too burnt, I can't tell which one is her." Rebekah said, "but I found Alexander's a bit away from the village with some others. I think he was trying to get them out."

"Alvin's is here," Finn was knelt down in front of a half burnt body, the face of Alvin Tailsman still visible.

"No sign of Natalia or her husband." Elijah pulled Rebekah into a hug, allowing his baby sister to cry into his shoulder.

"Why would he do this!" Kol shouted, angry tears sliding down his face. "She was safe! She couldn't do anything against him! Why kill her?"

None of the siblings answered. Finn just moved forward and pulled his brother into a hug. "We are going to find him." Finn told his younger siblings with a determined glare. "And when we do, he will pay for this."


Natalia didn't know what to do. She was dead firstly. Secondly, she didn't know if her daughter was alive. And on top of that, she was currently running from her not-father father.

"Natalia!" Mikael shouted after her. "I will always find you! No matter how far you run!"

Natalia didn't stop, she just ran. She didn't know how Mikael had slipped the potion to her, only that when she woke up, she was dead. She was like her siblings. Like Kol. And it terrified her.

The young woman weaved between the trees, trying desperately to outrun her "father". He had told her that the only reason he hadn't killed her was because Esther wanted her daughter immortal. So he did just that. Then he decided that he wanted to kill her.

So he gave Natalia a head start, then began chasing her. It had been a month since she had turned, and she had been able to avoid Mikael, until he cheated and used a locator spell. As she ran, Natalia made a little note to self; make a cloaking spell.

Eventually, Natalia cleared the woods. Turning back and muttering a spell, she watched as Mikael ran right into it.

"Tricked ya," she smirked at him, chest heaving slightly from the running.

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