[7]- R E B E K A H

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TALIA WAS FIVE years old when she had her first tea party. Even seven years later she can still remember the vibrant shades of the flowers that day, it had been a year before Talia had met Thea when Rebekah demanded that her little sister had a tea party.

So their mother laughed and then left to go to the village for tea and biscuits. While she was gone Talia weaved three flower crowns, and Bekah set up a table for three in the valley. When their mother had returned with their tea, the two older women began to make it while the younger one simply sat in her seat and the head of the table, watching with a dahlia flower crown perched on her head.

"Tea is served Lady Talia," Esther said smiling at her two daughters as she poured tea for the three of them. "Why thank you Mother," Talia says giggling as she took a sip of her tea. Her eyes got big and Bekah let out a laugh, "this is amazing!" Talia grins taking another sip of her tea.

The three Mikaelson girls happily drink their tea and laugh all throughout the evening. Finally when the boys return from their day of fun, all of the siblings, including their mother, sit down for dinner.

"Thank you Bekah," Talia says as her sister hands her, her bowl of soup. "Of course Lady Talia," Bekah replies with a wink, making the younger giggle.

The next morning, Bekah woke up with one mission. The previous week Kol and a ten year old Talia had pulled a nasty prank on her, they had said that it was meant for Elijah, but it worked a lot better on her than him.

They had set up a bucket of pink paint, that Nik had made, above the door and had also used magic to rig an invisible sword to slice off his hair. But when the oldest Mikaelson girl walked over to them to enter the small home, everything went wrong.

So now a slightly pink died shoulder length blonde haired girl stood admiring her work. She had painted all over Kol's face with blue paint, but feathers and whipped milk in Talia's hair, and to top it off she had burned Kol's magic books, and poured Nik's green paint all over Talia's flower crowns she had made over the years.

Rebekah then sat down at the edge of the door waiting for everything to unfold. But unfortunately Elijah woke up first.

Elijah was still tired and didn't notice the big bucket of cold water above the door, Rebekah didn't notice Elijah get up and was watching Kol and Talia closely to see who woke up first. Elijah then made his way to the door and his foot his the twine that held the bucket.

Elijah let out a shout as the cold water poured down onto him. "KOL! NATALIA!" He shouted waking everyone one up and alerting the already awake Bekah that her plan, like Kol's and Talia's, had failed.

"Hm?" Talia mumbled rubbing away the sleepiness from her eyes. When she saw her big brother standing there drenched in water she started to laugh. She placed her hands on her head as she laughed but stopped when she felt something cold on it.

"What the?" She pulled her hands away to see them covered in whipped milk and feathers. "KOL!" She screamed making Kol smack her on the arm. "Be quiet! I didn't do anything!" He mumbled rolling over to face his littlest sister.

When he did Talia let out a laugh. Kol's entire face was covered in blue paint, "what?" He mumbled once more smacking his sisters arm. "Your face!" She giggled before a very angry Mikael walked into the room.

All seven siblings stood up now wide awake that their father was here. "Elijah, go dry off now!" He shouted at Elijah, Elijah hesitated glancing at his younger brother and littlest sister, they were mainly Mikael's targets for beating, but the tone in his fathers voice left him with no choice but to leave.

"Rebekah! Help your brother clean himself up!" Mikeal then ordered Rebekah, Bekah out of fear snatched Henrik on her way out, leaving Nik, Talia and Mikeal in the room. "Who did this?" Mikeal seethed staring at Nik, completing ignoring Talia.

"I don't know," Nik mumbled not looking at his father. "Then you're banned from the next hunting trip, you'll stay here and help your mother and sisters." Mikeal said before turning to Talia.

"You will clean up and then help your mother. Do not go near Kol or else there will be a punishment." Talia's mouth dropped open. "What! But father-" She started to protest but was stopped by a quick slap to her cheek. "Help your sister clean up," Mikeal said before walking out of the room.

"I'm sorry little one," Nik said, before helping Talia clean up.


Rebekah stood in the valley, she was watching Talia as she gathered flowers for their mothers birthday. "Hello Rebekah," Rebekah turned to be face to face with a boy a couple years younger than her. "Hello Adam," she said smiling at him.

His blue eyes shone as he smiled back at her. "What's Talia doing?" He asked turning to look at the younger Mikaelson girl. "Picking flowers for our mothers birthday tomorrow." Adam nodded and noticed how Rebekah's hair looked choppy at the ends of it.

"What happened to your hair Bekah?" He asked picking up a strand of it. Bekah let out a laugh, before telling Adam about how Talia's and Kol's prank had gone wrong and she had become the victim.

It had been two months sense then, and Talia and Kol had been banned to be left alone together without Elijah or Finn, per their fathers orders. Adam was still laughing over it, when Talia walked over a huge thing of flowers in her hands, they were mostly dahlias and vervain flowers but there were a couple daisy's and sunflowers here and there.

"Hello Adam!" The girl cheerfully handing the older boy a sunflower. "Why thank you Talia, and hello to you too," Adam said before turning to Rebekah, "I should get going. I still have to stop by the village market and get some food for dinner," he says.

"Say goodbye Talia," Rebekah says turning to her younger sister. Talia looks up at Bekah and then Adam. "Goodbye Talia," she mimics her big sister, making the older two laugh. "Goodbye Talia," Adam says before turning and waking away.

"Come on," Bekah says grabbing Talia's hand and the two sisters walk back to their house, unaware of the older dirty blonde haired young woman watching them from the trees, jealous of their sisterly bond.

~1131 words~

A/N: Hey! I didn't really know what to do for Rebekah and Natalia's bonding... so I did a couple flash backs (three of them?) to show their bond instead. Who do you think the mysterious person watching them was? Please let me know!! I would also like to hear what else bonding moments you guys would like before act one is over and we move into act two!! There will be bloodshed and tears all throughout this next act, so enjoy the fluff while it lasts!!

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