Chapter 2

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Mike found me immediately immediately as soon as i set foot inside the school grounds. The blonde boy was sort of cute but kind of creepy in the way that he was so intent on getting attention from me. Ive been seen with those eyes before. I wasn't blind to the expression now as i used to be. Especially now when i know in an objective view that i am not unfortunate looking. 

He offered a good morning. One that i didn't respond to. I resorted to a smile and continued on my way. I liked that Bella was so organized. Her notebooks were labeled and i learned her schedule from there. 

Mike pointed at my shirt, face so close that i had to fight my urge to slap him for invading my personal bubble.

I was already in a bad mood because i never thought I'd find myself back in high school. I was twenty eight damn it. I served my time and i was free. 

"You fish?" He asked. He's desperately seeking for a response from me. I'm not sure how Bella usually response. Her moments with her human friends are clouded over by her unhealthy obsession with Cullen.

"Nope." I said.

"Oh, i thought... did you cut that?"


"Looks good on you. No sweater? It'll rain today."

"Here hoping." I say, "trying to get used to the weather." I add. I forgot Bella hated all things cold. I on the other hand thrived in the rainy seasons.

"Making yourself right at home then. Think you'll stay permanently?"

"I'm sure my dad would like that." I said.

The classes passed by relatively quickly. I was stopped by a few teachers who were worried about the bags under my eyes. They left me alone which was appreciated. I will need to take time to get comfortable with the idea that i had to attend school again for another two years. Would i be able to finish faster if i take more classes? Or how about online classes? I should ask at the main office. Having been through it before I'm sure i can come up with a proper schedule to get through everything efficiently.

"Wow, you look different today?" Jessica said taking her seat at the lunch table as if she hadn't seen me during fourth hour in Trigonometry class. She tugged on the shirt. "So short. Trying a new style."

I smiled and gave her a nod, "just felt like... being... comfortable."

Jessica smiled again but having read Midnight Sun i knew she wasn't as sincere as pretended to be. It will get worse in the second book. I should probably attempt to get her to like me to avoid unnecessary drama.  Either that or get new friends.... Which is terrifying to think about.

"It looks great on you." 

"Thanks Jess, my dad has a lot of shirts he doesn't really use so i thought i might take them."

"That's so cool. Very resourceful of you." Jessica said.

Mike plopped next to me. I inched away. "What are we talking about?"

"Oh, um, i was just telling Bella that i like her shirt."

"Yeah, It's cool right." Mike jumped on board.

"So cool. I would have never considered it." Jessica laughed, "Bella have you ever considered shopping at a thrift store?"

"There's thrift stores nearby?" I asked.

Jessica beamed, "yeah, we should totally go one day!"

Angela slides into her seat. "Smile." She takes a friend group photo. "I'm invited too i hope."

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