Chapter 86

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Caius's eyes were blazing in fury as Edward and Bella moved back to the others. Marcus stared at nothing in particular not at all interested in anything that was going on in front of him. Completely apathetic to the world around him. I wonder if he knew that Aro was the one that killed his mate and how much friction it would create if I said anything about it.

Aro, unlike the way he spoke to Bella and Char with childlike joy, had a tense smiled directed at me. This was enough to signal the ones close by to him that something was bothering him a lot.

Cauis was probably the only one to ignore it.

"Greetings, Marianne Cecilia Cullen, I am Aro. This is our first meeting and yet, it's not the first time we've met."

More fake smiles are given to one another. "Indeed, Aro. I have had the honor of entering your home in Volterra. You were very courteous then as well."

"Enough of this!" Cauis snapped in my direction. Obviously, only focused on what was getting away from him. "How can you abide this infamy, brother? Why do we stand here impotently in the face of such an outrageous crime, covered by such a ridiculous deception?"

Aro's eyes were on me. Still wide in wonder. I'm sure he's seen it all. Every memory Edward associated with me and most of those would have Bella's face in it. My friends who were not present. Simon's death and his presence here beside me. All of my chaotic planning up till the moment Edward had to come talk to Aro, which Edward had properly not responded to. Probably keeping his own thoughts from agreeing or disagreeing with anything. 

"Because its all true," Aro told him calmly. "Every word of it. See how many witnesses stand ready to give evidence that they have seen this miraculous child grow and mature in just the short time they've known her. That they have felt the warmth of the blood that pulses in her veins."

Aro gestured to all of our own witnesses. To Amun who stood the furthest away to Siobhan who stood the closest. Cauis' anger settled for a moment. Was he nervous? Had he not considered our witnesses be more than just witnesses? How can a century old vampire overlook any form of  upper hand they could possibly have in their disposal?

"The werewolves," Cauis tried.

I held my hand up at this. I'm sure Aro would tell him in due time that the true crime they could exploit was standing right in front of them. But Aro was mesmerized by some thought he had when looking at me and Simon. He only reacted when I raised my hand to silence Cauis. Cauis hissed feeling disrespected and Aro, too, raised his hand to silence him.

"Ah, brother..." Aro answered with a slight annoyance. Cauis was not seeing the full picture.

"Perhaps, he's not very bright. I can't imagine how much of an arduous effort it is to keep him entertained day in and day out. You, sir Aro, are a very talented leader to keep them all content to stay with you," I complimented Aro.

Aro this time allowed his tense smile to be a genuine one. "You flatter me, Marianne."

Cauis hissed not missing my taunting. "Will you defend that alliance, too, Aro?" Cauis asked angrily, glaring at me. Had Aro not responded to me I wonder if he would have struck to kill at my... insolence. "The Children of the Moon—"

"It is the middle of the day, Sir Caius," i interrupted again. "They are not Werewolves as much as they are shifters."

"They're mutants!" Caius snapped at me taking a step forward. Simon made sure I didn't take a step back as Aro held a hand out to stop Caius.

"It is genetic not an infection," I explained to him. "So your fighting statement is invalid."

"They know our secret," Caius said flatly looking at Aro. He was grasping at straws and it was a rather pathetic display for someone of his station. I sighed and offered Aro a desperate look to shut him up. Aro looking just as tired of Caius's lack of thoughts spoke.

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