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That's how my life ended?!!!

Wait... my body... and why do I hear voices? Am I in heaven...or maybe hell? What's more, the language is unfamiliar, and yet, I can understand them.

"What do you mean?!!" that's scary...what's with the voice?

"Y-Your grace...I'm afraid...she's really not going to wake up...I did my best." Your grace?

And who will not wake up? Me? What the hell is going on? Aren't I dead? Or maybe I'm in a coma for me to be able to stay conscious...if that's the case, how many days has it been?

"is there can really do?" the voice sounded unfamiliar and the language isn't it a foreign language? I'm sure it isn't English too. The voice was cold and contained a bit of oldness I assume is from a middle-aged man. He doesn't sound like my father.

"Who cares if she won't wake up?" huh?

What the fuck? Really?

"she's just trash in our family. We don't need her!" are they talking about me?


"What?! I'm telling the truth. She doesn't have any mana affinity. We became the laughingstock in the noble society because of her. Father, you should just disown her!"

"Even if she doesn't have any mana affinity, she's still useful in a political marriage." Who?

I swear if they are talking about me, I'm going to slit their throats with my scalpel...

"then just marry her off...I'm sick just by looking at her face."

"I'm already looking at it. Just wait a little more and she'll never appear in front of us again..."

"who will want her with her reputation as the evil lady inside the nobility's social circle?! She's a disgrace!"

"the Baron in the neighboring country is willing to take her. No one will refuse a Lanister. I think it's Baron Fritz ..."

Why can't I move? Why can't I open my eyes? But I can still hear them...what are they even talking about? And most importantly, why am I here?

I'm tired... I'm so tired.


I opened my eyes and then froze...I'm not dead? I really am alive...then where am I? I looked around after getting up from my bed...I'm in bed. What's more, the surroundings aren't familiar. They are designed in a rather Victorian-era style. The interior is very beautiful...

I looked at my hands and furrowed my brows. Wait...these aren't my hands. These hands are so white and delicate. They are as smooth as silk and soft as's violet?

I heard the door creaked open and a shout full of shock was heard next.

"Milady!!" I looked in the direction where the person left the door open. It's a maid...? Her face is full of shock and the basin fell right off her hands, water splashed on the floor. Is she that shocked to react like that?

She has brunette hair neatly tied in a ponytail, and her eyes were brown as well. she's wearing maid clothes that I usually see in English movies.


"Milady!" she shouted again and then immediately approached me with teary eyes...she held my hands tightly and cried...

"Milady, thank goodness you're awake. I don't know what to do..."

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