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The maid's name is Ara. According to her, she's the owner's...my current body's personal maid who is 2 years older than her. Yvalee is currently 23. The relationship between Yvalee and her brother and father is very bad...and that is mainly because she doesn't have mana affinity. Mana is what's needed to use ability or powers. The Lanister Ducal household is a household that supported the crown during the foundation of the empire thousands of years ago. Until now, they have been supporting the crown with their high affinity of mana...the Lanister family is a family of great fire attributes. It allowed them to use fire at their own will...and the only exception is Yvalee Lanister who is known as the trash of the Lanister house because of her lack of mana affinity. that means, she couldn't use basic magic at all.

Moreover, with her lack of mana affinity, she's known as a cruel woman in the high society of nobility...especially among ladies. She harasses them often. Haaa... how cliché. She became the subject of ridicule and the Lanister house became a laughingstock because of this. It's understandable that despite not having mana affinity, Yvalee is still on top of the pyramid because she's a Lanister but of course, the other ladies took advantage of this and mocked her saying she's not fit to be a Lanister...there is even a rumor going on saying that she's actually not the Duke's daughter because she doesn't possess the power the Duke and Kyle have.

Although it's hard to say that it's true because the late duchess Ysa looks like Yvalee...like her carbon copy, eyes excluded since Yva inherited the dark blue eyes of the Duke while the late duchess' had gold eyes. Ysa is the only duchess of this house and she died while giving birth to Yvalee.

There's also a rumor saying the reason why Yva was neglected and hated by both the duke and his son was that she's a monster who killed her mother during birth...since she's the cause of her death, they assumed that the duke hated her for killing his beloved, and Kyle, for killing his mother...if only she wasn't born...

Now, that hurts...it wasn't the child's choice to be born. It was the parents who made her and the mother who willingly gave birth to her. To call the child a monster for killing the mother is a grave insult against the mother who, despite knowing she might die, still suffered and gave birth to her daughter because she loves her

...that's the only reason a mother will sacrifice her life for her daughter...it's out of love. Yet those people...and that Duke and that young master...

Yes, they lost the duchess. But to blame the child for being born is the worst they can possibly do. Who the fuck asked you to make Yva? Was it her? And because of that, here I am stuck in her body!!

However, there is another rumor that the late duchess had a lover...which is again hard to say true because the love story of the duchess and the duke is very popular...even more popular than the story of the royal family...it's because they married not by arrange marriage but love marriage...a very rare case in this current world where I am in. It's a world where status is almost everything...and even above happiness. However, it seems like, mostly, being high in status is also considered happiness...for some and, mostly, women, knowing they rely on men.

It wasn't hard for them since the duchess was the daughter of a respected Marquis Kloss...who sadly passed away together with his wife leaving the only alive Dether Kloss who inherited the Marquis title, the younger half-brother of Ysa, and Yvalee's uncle. However, he's married and with a child...Lora Kloss, Yvalee's cousin and an enemy...according to Ara. She's one of the ladies who defame Yvalee and one of the girls Yvalee bullied.

She doesn't have a relative in father's side because her father, Vincent was the only child. Her father, the Duke is the commander of the north and west army who fought for years for the Empire. He's the war hero...and his son, Kyle is also a Captain and who fought alongside his father...gaining the title war hero just like his father and even the crown prince. Because of that, the prestigious Lanister family is very famous...there are three war heroes in this empire so no one dared to challenge it face to face. There is this famous crown prince who is the commander of the south and east army, the only Duke and his son, Kyle...

I see...now I understand why they call Yvalee trash. I can really see why...she's rebelling. And being neglected by her only family fueled her desire to be recognized. But she did everything wrong...that is not something I will deny. But can I blame her? Honestly, no.

Hearing her story from Ara's point of view allowed me to see how she was treated in this household...she may be the daughter but aside from Ara, other maids neglected her, including the knights who mock her too. Moreover, even her own brother and father hate her...she doesn't have the power here. And so, I decided that...I'm going to get out of this house...like, I'm not Yva to curry her family's favor and I am not a masochist to bear with these mockeries. I didn't become the chief surgeon of Kim Hospital who is known widely if I let them bully me.

I calculated the amount I can gain from selling all my jewelry here and I would say I'm surprised. Even though they neglected her, they still gave her the proper allowance she must have as the daughter of the Duke. And it's quite a high amount. Then...it's decided.

The first thing to do is collect all the jewelry and also the allowance. After that, find a way to go out without anyone's suspicion...and then, look for a medical institution where I can enroll or work immediately. Of course, I decided that after I get out, I'd change my name into my real name. Hyerin...Park Hyerin. I'd want to cut my long hair that reaches until my waist. I prefer curly hair so I'd probably visit a salon. If there is...a salon.

This month will be a very busy one...

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