The first encounter

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"what did you just say?" I asked the butler who entered the door without even bothering to knock as if it's not the lady he's talking to.

"milady. Please don't make me repeat my words." He answered me instead of repeating his message...I see. So this is really how you treat Yvalee and then mock her when she makes mistakes. No wonder they said education starts at home. He didn't even bow to me, his master, and just stood there as if he's higher than me...the nerves of these people. But it's not like I'll reprimand him. In fact, this is even that way, when the time comes when they ask me why I ran away, I have hundreds of reasons to speak of.

I didn't say a word and just went out of my room towards the study of the Duke...the maids were scoffing as I passed by and the others are even whispering mockery to each other. I see...Yvalee, you had a really hard time, right? But in the end, the one they blame for it is still you...the only difference between you and your brother is that he's blessed with high mana affinity while you are incapable of using it. Other than that, there's nothing else. You came from the same parents...mother and father but the treatment is like this. Because of that, you were treated as trash, and you were titled as the disgrace of the Ducal household while your brother is treated as the war hero. I see...

I'm sorry that I refuse to avenge you...and to bring justice to your sufferings. I am not capable of doing that and even if I can, I am now the owner of this body. Revenge is the last thing on my mind. I want a peaceful life...In this world, that is all I want. However, I will not forget everyone. I will take note of whoever mistreated you...and if I had a chance, no matter how slim it is that I can get, I will try to inconvenience them as much as I can...that is all I can promise you, Yvalee...

You died by poison, didn't you? And you were poisoned during a banquet but the culprit was a maid who wants to avenge her master that you harassed. She was already sent to prison. Funny, right? The only daughter of the only Duke of LeClair Empire, and the most important and powerful family after the royal family, Yvalee Lanister, was poisoned to death by a maid...just a maid. But instead of the death penalty, they just gave her imprisonment.

Just by that, you can see how they treated her and even a child here can say that she's treated poorly... Somewhat, I can only laugh. Not at Yvalee but at how this family works. Where would you need every achievement on the battlefield when you can't be a father to your child... Or did they never treat her as his daughter? Whatever the case is, he failed as a father. So why should I bother trying to act like his daughter?

I stood before the big wooden door collecting my thoughts before knocking. This is the only respect I can give him... The respect to privacy that even the butler is unable to perform very well. When I heard a voice saying I can enter, I slowly entered and looked at the guy sitting at the desk in front of me. His aura is really strong. You can immediately say that he is of high standing. He looks like Kyle... No one can deny that they are father and son. His hair is dark blue and his eyes are sharp tinted with dark blue orbs.

He is staring back at me... It feels like sharp knives penetrating my body with his stare. I admit that I am nervous... I am before the commander of the army and I am not his real daughter. I met several generals and even the secretary of defense but oh boy... the aura around these two men is on a different level.

"Yva. I heard what happened. Did you really had amnesia?" His voice contained not a single warmth for her daughter. I see... He was the one who talked about me being married off.

How cruel of a father... the first question he's supposed to ask is how are you...

"You heard it right, Duke."

I saw how his shoulder stiffened a bit as he looks at me. Likewise, the tone I used is the same as his. The only difference is that I talked very formally as if the person in front of me is a stranger... There isn't any familiarity sensed in my voice.

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