Information Guild

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Yva kept on looking around the street...she's looking for the information guild. She looked at the paper she's holding as she sighs deeply...she's lost.

'aaah! Seriously, Hyerin? You're lost!'she mentally scolded herself as she turns the paper up and down. She looked around and saw that she's going away from the main street and entered a narrow street with destroyed buildings, dirty canals and garbages all combined. She furrowed her brows as she gulps, covering her nose with her usual, she's wearing a cape and hood to avoid being seen by the public.

"are you lost?" her eyes widened when she felt a warm breath on her nape. She immediately slid the scalpel and held it tightly. She recognized the voice as she turns around facing the bright face of the guy who spoke to her.

"y-you." she cleared her throat while the guy looked at her and the scalpel in her hand and the map before he smiled warmly.

"please put your knife away, milady. It's dangerous." He said gently as he approaches her...Meanwhile, Yva stepped back.

"what do you want?" she asked coldly...

"hmmm...nothing. Really." He answered with his famous bright smile that Yva glared at him, earning a warm smile as if mocking her.

"then why are you here?"

"hmmm...I just happened to pass by. Are you lost?" Yva twitched her brows hearing how he wanted to change the subject as she stares at his angelic face...

"no." she just answered as she turns to leave. Meanwhile, the man chuckled before following her.

"I'm quite familiar here...sure you aren't lost?" with a teasing smile, the man stared at her. Yva frowned, gritting her teeth before stopping and turning around, only to bump at him to which she cursed.

"aw...shit." Surprised, the man widened his eyes before releasing a chuckle, hooking his arm around her waist to support her.

"a lady shouldn't curse, you know?" he said gently. With that, Yva glared at him as she distanced herself before swallowing.

"it's none of your business."

Sighing, she looked at the map she's holding.

"where do you want to go?"


"you're not doing something shady, are you?" his gaze was filled with doubt as it pierced through her. She could feel the silent accusation hidden in his stare that she couldn't help but glare at him in exchange.

"what the hell are you talking about?" pissed off by his question, she snorted in annoyance. Meanwhile, the man smiled sweetly before speaking.

"I mean...a lady like you is in the street famous for mercenaries and murders...don't tell me you are going to a tea party around here?" he asked, leaving her frozen as she clenches the map and look around...

She was already warned by Ara about this street but she didn't see anyone at all...although it's filthy, she didn't encounter any mishaps since her arrival that she started to doubt if she entered the right street...

"can't you just leave me alone?"

"Lady Arin, this street is where murder happens so often that people die every day. Do you have a death wish?"

"cut the chase. What do you want from me?"

"nothing...really. I'm just concerned about your life." He said shrugging that made her raise her brow.

"why would you be concerned about my life?"

"well...because I find you interesting." Somehow, she had the guts to gauge his prety eyes.

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