The Pain she's been hiding

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After 2 days, the Yva woke up and was met by teary-eyed Ara who squeezed her into a hug...after that, she told her everything she heard leaving Yva in shock...the maids and the chefs were fired after the masters knew they gave leftovers to Yva. Kyle even burned the entire kitchen...knowing this, the other servants no longer dared to think that the unfavored lady is neglected. Even the knights who heard and knew what happened began to change the way they treat the lady. They mistreated her when the masters aren't around after all...

'Yva...are you happy? Your family finally cared for you...but it's too late. You're already dead. But if you're still, you must be crying in happiness, right? I'm sorry that this has to happen for them to finally show their care for you...I was wrong after all...Unlike my parents who really never cared about me, your father chose to ignore you so you won't be targeted by their also have mana affinity...although it's sealed, it doesn't change the fact that you are really the child of Duke Lanister...It must be hard for you...even in your death, you only know how much they resent you without knowing that they're willing to sacrifice your and their happiness just so you can live. Haa...Yva. What should I do then? Should I give them a chance using your body? Or should I still ignore them as if they aren't my family, or at least the family of this body?'

After what happened to her, there were many changes that happened to the Lanister household as well...Even Yva cannot deny the appreciation she has towards them.

 Comparing it to her past life where they only scoffed at her when she had her allergy attack in front of her father, not even bothering to send her to the hospital with an excuse of too much money despite their well off family, she can only injure it...her desire to be liked by her father forced her to eat the shrimps in front of their table...everyone knew she has an allergy but no one cared as they encouraged her to eat it saying that it's their father's favorite dish...

Now that she's Yva, when they knew of her allergy to shrimps...she's not supposed to say anything but Kyle and even the duke pestered her, not allowing her to leave Kyle's room until she said what caused her allergy. After that, the Duke immediately searched the kitchen and a single shrimp is not allowed inside the house anymore.

"milady..." Ara sighed when the lady didn't respond to her call...she's been calling her five times already. However, the lady is just sitting beside the window, staring outside with empty eyes as she continuously sighs...


"ah shit!" both Ara and Yva stared at each other with wide eyes when Yva shouted those vulgar words.

"m-milady...what did you just say?" she asked so Yva gulped and shook her head.

"what do you mean?" she asked innocently so Ara just sighed.

"milady, please don't say those vulgar words again...also, I brought the letter." With that, Yva immediately reached for the letter with a dark blue seal with the letter 'I' in the center...she noticed that it's the same seal she saw in the letter the information guild. She thought there won't be a reply but this is just perfect...

"go fetch me some food, Ara."

"yes milady." After driving Ara away, she opened the envelop and saw the fake identity card there with a letter.

'to our dear customer,

As you have wished, we have successfully created your request. we hope you are satisfied with it and will continue to do business with us. I wish you luck.

Yours truly, A'

Yva was pleased that the guild master didn't use any honorifics and titles to avoid implications and keep the anonymity. Just a moment later, she heard a knock so she immediately hid the letter and the identity card inside her cabinet and sighed in relief...finally, her preparations are complete. She can already go to Zeler...and maybe if the offer still stands, she'll visit the creepy doctor Jiho.

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