Missing (Yelena)

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Summary: Y/n disappears for a day because she needed a break. Yelena frantically searches for her and goes crazy with worry not knowing if she's okay. When Yelena finally finds her she breaks down crying and confesses how she was worried sick.

In this one Yelena and Y/n are dating.
Y/n stood in the shower, letting the water hit and run down her back. It pooled at her feet as she stood under the hot stream. With her eyes closed she leant her head back and took a deep breath. This was all she needed to finish the day.


Earlier that morning, Y/n left the compound completely unannounced. She had endured a nightmare that brought back something from her past. She woke abruptly, sweating and shaking. Running towards the bathroom while trying not to wake her still asleep girlfriend. She began to have a panic attack. The air got heavy as it became harder to breathe, and the shaking percisted getting more violent.

She did her best to calm herself to the point where she could breathe a bit better and began to collect herself a bit before swiftly leaving the bathroom. She paced the room, attempting to find and collect her things in the darkness.

Her nightmare had brought back past trauma. The only thing that Y/n wanted right now was to leave. She didn't know how to explain to Yelena what had happened. She wasn't good with words and certainly didn't want to talk about it. She figured that if Yelena knew how broken she was, she would lose interest and leave. If only she knew just how much Yelena cared about her.

Once she had collected some money for food and a sweatshirt in case it got cold, Y/n swiftly got dressed, put on her shoes, and quietly left the compound.

The time was 4:30 am, and even Steve was still asleep. Tony, too invested in his suits in the lab, had no clue any of this was going on.

Y/n left with the idea of spending the day alone. She needed a break, some time to herself to think. It never even occurred to her that the people she loved would worry about her.


Yelena woke to the sun shining on her face through the crack in the curtain. She rolled over with her arms out expecting to be met with a still sleeping Y/n, perfect for cuddling and morning kisses. Instead, her arms were met with a cold empty bed. At this her eyes opened and her brows furrowed. She started to worry when she realized she couldn't hear the shower running, the only thing that you would have woken up so early for. Without the sound of the shower, Yelena's mind ran loose, thinking about every awful outcome that could have happened. Her heart rate sped up as she began to search the room frantically for anything.

Yelena had never had the ability to be with someone for as long as you two had been together. She already doubted her ability to maintain a stable relationship. She constantly feared that you would realize that she wasn't what you deserved.

Yelena's mind ran through all of the possibilities of what could have happened. She searched the room in an attempt to gather more information regarding what had happened. She was aware of your past trauma and of how it affected you, but she never looked down on you for it. She was just happy she was there now, for you to lean on, to help you through it. Yelena always wondered what it was that had happened in your past that taunted you so frequently, but she never pried or pushed. As long as you felt comfortable she let it go. But this, the empty bed... This scared her.

Your shoes were gone which showed you had left, but all of your belongings remained in their respective places, of course catering to the fact that you held a messy room.

She left the room abruptly with the intent of asking the team if they knew anything. She ran down the hallway that led to the elevator and jumped inside, quickly jamming the bottom closed.

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