"Why do you hate me?" (Natasha)

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Summary: You and Natasha are forced to train together, the only issue is that Natasha seems to hate you.
Y/n's pov:

Since I joined the team and started living at the compound, everything has been running smoothly. I get along with most of the team and have really started to get to know everyone... That is everyone except Natasha.

Anytime I walk into a room she simply ignores me. At first I thought it was just something that she did with everyone, but soon after I gathered that it was just me. She won't even acknowledge my presence.

The stupid thing is that I dont even know why. It's not like I've done anything to her. I swear I haven't even had a full conversation with her. I picked up on her feelings about me  quickly and decided it would just be best to stay out of her way as much as possible.

I would try to get to know her or at least figure out why she dislikes me so much, but something about the idea of using a stick to poke the bear that is an ex-assassin makes me think that maybe I should choose life. That and the fact that well, if i'm being honest she is really, really hot. Watching her train is something else, the way her hair flows through the air capturing you in a trance, and how when she lands it's so graceful that it doesn't even make a sound.

I wouldn't say I have a crush on her, but I still get flustered around her and want to impress her. It pushes me to do my best even if she isn't watching.

Even though we are a team, so far keeping my distance has proven to be fairly easy. The compound is HUGE, so we rarely see each other in the hallways, and all of the other people in the compound are there to keep me company. Steve and I bond over the newspaper, he reads it and I do the sudoku. Wanda and I often cook and gossip together.  Peter and I found an old Wii in a dumpster behind his school. It already had Mario Kart stuck in it, so he fixed it and recently we have been having intense competitions. And Tony and I like to insult each other over meals for fun. The only issue is that I don't have anyone to train with.

Usually when we train at the compound you're supposed to pair up with someone who has similar abilities. Tony and Rhodey both have suits, Wanda and Peter are both genetically enhanced, and Steve pairs with Bucky when he doesn't train alone. The issue isn't that I can't train alone, I can, it's just nice to have someone with a similar skill set that you can go to for tips or fighting advice. If I were to pair with someone, Natasha would be the only person fit for the role, and ever since her best friend retired to be with his family, she has been extra grouchy, thus I keep my distance.


"What the hell is this!?!", I slammed down a piece of paper angrily in front of Steve. Steve, having just woken up and being in the middle of his bite of cereal, froze for a second in confusion. I furrowed my eyebrows in annoyance and widened my eyes gesturing at the paper for a second time.

He carefully picked up the paper that was the training schedule in confusion and quickly realized what I was talking about. "Oh, yeah" he said nonchalantly, "Your training with Romanoff tomorrow", he spoke calmly as if nothing was wrong. I stare in disbelief, "that's not fair" I say almost not believing him. "She hates me," I paused. Steve gave me no sympathy, "HATES ME". He gave me nothing, "Why... why, why, WHY STEVEN, WHY MUST YOU DO THIS TO ME!?!" I sternly asked. Steve, clearly not understanding why I was so angry decided to play it safe and use logic against me. "You need someone to train with, she's the perfect partner. You both fight the same way, use the same weapons, and have similar limits. You need her, you need her to help you because if i'm being honest, I don't know if I can trust you in the field yet. So put your big girl panties on and suck it up... Plus it's just a run, what could possibly happen?". Understanding his logic and seeing it from his point of view, I could see where he had a point. Huffing still in disbelief, I turned on my heels in annoyance and began to leave the room, but not before shouting to him, "This is a bad idea... If I die tomorrow, it's your fault", I said quickly, before turning the corner. "She's not gonna kill you!" He yelled after you. "Riiiiiiight" I said sarcastically to myself.

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