Introverted teammate, Part 4 - Frozen in time (Natasha)

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Part 3 summary: Natasha leaves for a mission without saying goodbye and gets into trouble. As she is fighting for her life, Y/n is oblivious to her situation, she draws pictures for Natasha to hang up in her room like she said she would.
Natasha's body lay on the floor of the jet, motionless. Her life, put into the hands of an artificial intelligence communication system. The sound of her shallow breaths could barely be heard over the gentle rumble of turbulence as the jet neared its destination.

The jet lowered to the ground as the AI talked to no one, ¨Arriving at the Avengers compound helipad, the time is 3:44 am. It is 42 degrees, partly cloudy with light mist...¨, the AI continued listing weather conditions as if it were the pilot of a commercial aircraft.

The door opened, removing the last line of defense Natasha had from the cold, wet, outside air. Her luck was decreasing as it wouldn't be long before the environment stole her.

That's the thing.

No one knew Natasha needed help.

Luckily for her, two people were wide awake inside the compound. Tony was waiting in his lab working on yet another one of his suits. He says he stays awake with the intention of busting Romanoff's balls in the case that the jet is damaged, but really he wants to see that she is home safe with his own eyes. It eases his conscience.

The other person left awake was Y/n. She layed in her bed restless without knowing the whereabouts of her favorite redhead. Her mind tortured her with endless senerios where she was hurt or dead. Unannounced to her, her nightmares were harbingers for the horrors the night would soon bring.

Y/n's leg shook restlessly as she sat open eyed on her bed, staring at the ceiling, when all of a sudden a familiar voice broke the tension of the room. ¨Miss Romanoff has just arrived home from her mission, Miss Y/l/n¨.

She sat up quickly and rushed to throw on shoes, reassuring herself that she was fine and that she was probably just tired.

Y/n walked carefully towards the elevator and stepped inside taking a deep breath.

She stepped out and quickened her pace towards the locker room.

When Tony heard the news from Friday that Natasha was back, he left his work immediately and headed towards the helipad. His eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he noticed that none of Romanoff's things had been dropped off for repairs yet.

The sound of the locker room door opening gave Tony a sign of hope, before he linked the sound of their shoes and the pace of their walk to Y/n's.

Without even looking Tony knew it was Y/n and tried to voice his confusion before she cut him off. ¨Where the hell is she¨, she said skeptically not knowing if she would like the answer.

All Tony did was stand there lost in thought.

His confusion deepened when he looked outside the window of the locker room and caught a glimpse of the quinjet with the doors wide open.

Adrenaline ran through his body as he rushed to get the door to the helipad open.

Romanoff would never leave the doors open, she knows better.

He ran outside, ignoring the sharp stinging on his face as the harsh rain drops hit his skin. He froze just a few feet away from the quinjets doorway.

The speed at which he had left the building combined with the abrupt stop he made at the edge of the quinjet doors left Y/n alone and confused.

Only when he turned around with his eyes wide and his skin pale did Y/n's adrenaline rush begin.

That awful feeling coursed through her. The feeling in Y/n's fingers was replaced with a tingling sensation, along with that feeling of anxiety and impending doom that settled deep in her chest.

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