Meeting the Family

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6:30am Emperor Castle

Hunter woke up the next day quite early, which means he has time to read his passage that he wasn't able to read last night, Emira was right he does feel a lot fresher than usual. Hunter is also excited to see Emira again later today.

8am Blight Manor

Emira was sleeping soundly until she was woken by Edric. "Hey sister, wake up, mum said we need a quick family meeting at the dining table, now." Said Edric, Edric starts running out of the room to call Amity up. Emira got up from her bed and wobbled herself to the dining table.

Everyone is on the dining table, Odalia was all dressed up and organised while the rest of the family are still in their pyjamas. Once the last person to arrive and sat down, the meeting began.

"You all probably wonder why I called you here this early in the morning."

"No mum I don't know," said Amity.

"Be quiet Mitten, as I was saying the Golden Guard and the Emperor's coven will be coming to the industry today to check on our latest products and giving the emperor's Abomiton some upgrades. So, my task for you all is to be on your best behaviour. Today Amity you are helping no lackey or going to find that owl lady and her human. Emira and Edric stop putting signs on the guards' backs. And you Alador you're just upgrading the Abomiton, ok dear, and I will be presenting the products. Understood, if I hear or see any complaining, I will predict that your future won't be that pretty under this roof. Alright now off you go and organize yourself and will be going to the industry later."

Everyone hurried off and Amity was upset by what her mum had told her, the twins are still going to pull some pranks somewhere today, Alador yawning and Odalia pulling him back to their room.

9:30am Blight industries

The Blight family has arrived at the industry, everyone is doing what they meant to do, checking to see if there's any problem, places needed to be cleaned up, setting up props, etc. Amity was still secretly texting Luz behind her mother's back, Edric playing around with Emira teasing her especially, Alador polishing up a few pieces of the Abomiton and Odalia just doing her thing leading people or doing some prediction while she's at it.

10am Emperor Castle

The Golden Guard and his group of Guards are getting ready to head off to the industry, Hunter wasn't nervous about checking up the Abomiton with Mr and Mrs Blights but was nervous telling Mr and Mrs Blight that he was dating their daughter Emira. How will they react? Will they be okay with it? Thoughts rushed through his brain, then Steve patted him on the shoulder and said: "Golden Guard we are ready to leave."

"Alright let's go." Said Hunter, the group of guards left the castle going towards the industry.

12pm Blight Industry

One more hour later, the emperor's guard arrived. The first thing that Hunter wants to look at is Emira, Emira was nowhere to be seen and Hunter was a bit disappointed. Then Odalia and Alador walked up to them. Odalia starts introducing their new products:

"Welcome to the Blight industries, I'm Odalia and this is my husband Alador. We are the manager of this family business and I predict you'll love today's product. We are honoured to present to you our latest product. I collabed with my own husband by combining oracle and abomination together to present to you the Abomicam, this product is very similar to srying eye, but you can spy on anyone all at the same time. It helps when you want to spy on different people in different rooms. Then here's a bit of my creation that Alador supported to build, which is Oracle-trap. This trap can predict your enemies move when stealing something precious from you and once they step onto the trap your enemies will get a bit of surprise or pain. Well, these are some of our latest new creations, but we are more than happy for you to buy some of our old and strong products."

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