Next Step of The Big Plan

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8:30am The Owl House

Everyone is in the kitchen sitting around the dining table, Luz is setting up the plates and fork for breakfast, while Eda and King are staring at Helena.

"So let me get this straight, you came to my house so you can talk to Luz," said Eda.


"And Luz decided to let you stay, right."


"Does that mean I have to provide you with food, education and a sustainable lifestyle."

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to."

"If I allow you to stay, will you do work for me?"

"Oh definitely, or else how am I going to repay."

"And one last question, how did you come here last night?"

"Oh, I can't tell you the whole story, but I was released from the emperor's palace."

"Oh really? Who let you out then?"

"The Golden Guard."

"Oh, you meant the blonde but sad boy huh?" said Eda turning her head to look at Luz and chuckling about the whole situation, Luz just shook it off. "Please Eda, don't call him that!" said Helena, slamming her hand against the table aggressively, as she spoke calmly. Eda was looking a bit surprised at Helena; Eda didn't think that her joke could offend anyone.

"Woah looks like someone has a crush on that sad boy." said Eda jokingly. "No, it's not like Eda, it's complicated." said Helena. Luz walked over with everyone's breakfast and sat down, Luz noticed how puzzled Helena looked so Luz looked at Eda and said: "Hey, Eda. It's best for you to stop talking now, you're making our guests very uncomfortable, and your food might get cold too."

After they finished eating, Helena hardly touched her food. Luz finished her food and was about to get ready for school then Luz turned around to look at Helena and said: "Hey Helena? If you want to go to school with me, you can attend school with me while we discuss the plan."

Helena's eyes lit up with excitement, Helena was about to say yes until she was cut off by Eda: "Hold up kid, what is this plan that you guys are discussing about?"

"Oh yeah we haven't told you about this yet. What we are going to tell you is very important, so it's best if you keep this to yourself and nobody else." said Luz

"Yeah, sure kid." said Eda.

"This about the day of unity, the big plan that Belos is planning." said Helena, Eda looked shocked that she nearly fell off her chair. "You know about Belos big plan?" ask Eda, Helena looks concerned and serious. "I'm not from this timeline, and I want to help you stop this war," said Helena. Eda looked a bit upset and said: "So Raine was right, Belos is hiding something. Then Helena, how much do you know about this day of unity? Ask Eda.

"Well luckily, my strict parents made me read every history and latest history books in the entire boiling isles, so you should say I know a lot about the day of unity." said Helena, Eda looks impressed. Then Luz pulled Helena's sleeve and said: "Helena I'm going to be late to school you know?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. Let's go." Helena and Luz waved goodbye to Eda as they both walked to Hexside.

9:30 Hexside

Helena and Luz arrive at school a bit early so Helena can go to Bump's office to become a student. Helena and Luz knock on Bump's door, until Bump asks them to come in.

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