! It Has Begun !

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During lunch 1:30pm Hexside (The same day)

As Helena stares behind a tree, as she watches her young parents talking in the forest. Helena snapped a stick which frightened Hunter and Emira, which made them get up and quickly walk further into the forest, because they were afraid, they were going to get caught.

Helena didn't catch up because Hunter and Emira were already gone. Hunter and Emira stop by a small grass area, and they start to talk again.

"So why did you ask me to come here?" ask Emira, who was romantically blushing. Hunter placed his hand on Emira's and said: "Why? Can't I come to see my beautiful girlfriend."

This made Emira chuckle as she touched her hair to move it around a bit to make Hunter think that she was the most beautiful.

"Oh, I forgot to say, my uncle allowed me to invite you to an event." said Hunter, Emira looked at him in confusion. "An event? What event?" ask Emira.

"Well, this is a new event that my uncle was planning, he calls it The Day of Unity." said Hunter.

"Sounds interesting, what is it about?" ask Emira, she held Hunter's hand tighter like she was eager to listen to what her boyfriend had to say.

"I am not 100% sure, but my uncle said it was a ceremony to celebrate the day he and the coven heads finally open the big project that they have been working on for the past few months. So, I got permission to invite you to the ceremony." said Hunter. Emira's face lit up in excitement. "So, when is the ceremony, is there a dress code, do I need to bring anything?" said Emira. "Woah Emira, calm down. You have loads of time, the ceremony only starts this Friday. The dress code is simple, just wear your casual clothes, nothing fancy. You don't have to bring anything either" said Hunter, Emira nodded and then looked at the time, lunch was nearly over she needed to leave now, so she stood up and told Hunter she needed to go. Hunter stood up and hugged Emira, and Emira gave a small passionate kiss back, then they waved goodbye.

4:30pm The Blight Manor

The Blight siblings came back home to find their parents cooking in the kitchen. Odalia noticed her children were back, so she said: "Welcome home kids, go wash up. Then we'll call you when dinner is ready."

"Yes mother" said the Blight siblings in unison, as they walked towards their room.

After they finished washing up, the Blight siblings were hanging out in the twin's room, doing homework, and talking about their day. Edric needs to go to the bathroom, so he quickly leaves the room. This was the perfect opportunity for Amity to ask Emira about her plans this Friday. "So~ Emira. What are you doing this Friday?" said Amity.

"Why do you ask?" said Emira lifting an eyebrow, Amity sweat a bit. "Um, I am just curious about what my dear sister is doing?" lied Amity, Amity was never interested in what her sister is doing. "If I tell you you'd be mad." said Emira who is giving Amity a grin. "Why would I be mad at my sister?" said Amity, who is starting to be frustrated. "I am going on a date with my dear, hot, smart, responsible and important boyfriend." said Emira in a serious and dramatic tone. Amity is trying not to put her angry serious look on instead she put on her fake painful smile and lied sarcastically: "Beautiful~."

Edric came to the room to find his two sisters facing face to face staring at each other in hatred. "Uuuummm~~" interrupted Edric. Emira and Amity's head turned sharply towards Edric's direction and shouted sharply in unison: "WHAT!!??"

"Um, mum wants me to tell you guys that dinner is ready." said Edric, Emira and Amity look at Edric in disgust and Edric quickly scurry away.

5:10pm Dinner time

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