The Next Chapter of Destiny

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Few days later after the invasion back at Gravesfield Camila, Luz and Vee are sitting in the living room to rest. Vee handed Luz a cup of tea, as she was very exhausted, "Amity." Said Luz under her breath, "I'm sorry." Luz started to shatter some tears, "Hey..hey it's gonna be alright." Said Vee giving Luz a hug, Camila from the doorway of the living room looking at her two children brings warmth in her heart. Suddenly the front door got a knock on it's door, Camila went to see who it was, she opened the door to be greeted by a man with a speaker on his ear, sunglasses and a black suit. "Hello, is this the Noceda household?" Said the Man, Camila was surprised and replied: "Uh, yes this is. Um, may I ask who you are? And what are you looking for?"

"I am the FBI working for the government called Agent Jones, and I am looking for Luz Noceda who I will be asking a few questions." Said Agent Jones, Camila seems kinda shocked that someone who is an FBI agent is looking for her daughter. "Wait, so what kind of question are you going to ask my daughter?" ask Camila. "About the recent invasion, many people claim that your daughter has something to do with the invasion, and I would like to speak with her. So is your daughter home right now or not?"

"She can come in." Camila invited Agent Jones to sit in the dining room, as Camila went to her two daughters to come and talk to the FBI. The FBI analyse a very tired and depressed child, and a girl that looks like her twin who is more innocent and most likely not human. "So which one of you is Luz Noceda?"

"I am." Said Luz, Agent Jones looks at her and starts questioning her: "So is it true that witches are real and they are from another realm?"

"Yes." replied Luz.

"How many witches or wizards exist, are there any other kinds of being that exist?"

"There is more than one witch and wizard that exist, and yes other kinds of species exist as well, for example Vee over here is actually a shapeshifting Basalik."

"Interesting. Do you think being over that realm is dangerous or aggressive?"

"They're magic is quite powerful and dangerous, but most of their citizens' personalities are quite like our humans, except they may see our things differently."

"Ok, so what was the giant skull demon thing that came to our world?"

"That was the Titan, one of the most powerful demons in the world, I don't know much about it, but I know the Titan is like a source of living in the demon world."

"Alright, have any other humans been to that world."

"The bad guy that invade Gravesfeild with all of this magic, was actually a human. He has bad intentions on witches, and wants to kill them all, but witches are not too different from us."

"Alright, ok Luz that will be all of the questions I will be asking today, if we have any more questions we'll just come and ask you ok?"

"Ok." said Luz, Agent Jones smiled at Luz, then suddenly his phone started vibrating, Agent Jones picked up his phone and excused himself. "Hello Agent Jones is speaking, Chief what is it? Mhm ok, alright, yep I will go there right now, alright I'll ask if I can bring her. Ok see you later." Agent Jones hung up his phone, and looked at Luz, "Luz if you guys excuse me but I need to be somewhere right now, but I was told to bring Luz with me." said Agent Jones.

"Where do you want to take me?" ask Luz.

"My chief told me that the team has found a few things that may belong to the other world in the woods down the town, to prevent any accident they want you to come." Said Agent Jones.

"And you think bringing my daughter there is going to prevent any accident." Said Camila.

"We won't be using Luz as a shield or use her for anything dangerous, but we just need her to help us identify a few items, in case they won't be dangerous to us. We can also bring you and this basalik with Luz if you are feeling paranoid." Said Agent Jones. Camila nodded her head and agreed to come, Vee tagged along as well. Agent Jones got into his car, and Camila, Vee and Luz got into their own car following behind Agent Jones' car all the way down to the small Gravesfield woods.

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