Hard Decision

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2am Emperor's palace

It was middle of the night Hunter was sleeping on piles of repost on his desk instead of he's bed, Li'l Rascal was sleeping with him. Then something happened outside of the palace, a shiny light, Hunter heard guards jogging and chatting, then Hunter was awoken by a knock. Hunter woke up to someone calling his name. "Golden Guard there's something outside, we need your advice."

"Coming," said Hunter. 'Great' he thought, another shift for Hunter. Hunter got up from his desk, wore his cloak and his mask, as he walked out of his room. As Hunter is walking down the hallways, he peaked at one of the windows, he sees some guards pushing a cage towards the dungeon, whatever is in that cage is what he is going to find out.

Hunter and some guards are walking down the stairs to the dungeons, where the thing is held. When Hunter arrived in front of the cellar inside the cage was a girl with shiny emerald hair, the girl looked up to look at Hunter and it revealed her two red eyes that are identical to Hunter's, Hunter at first thought the girl was Emira because of the hair until he saw the eyes.


Hunter blinked in confusion, what did he just hear that girl said. "I'm sorry. What did you call me?" said Hunter, the girl looked shocked and said: "Sorry, I meant Hunter."

"I never said what my name was, and How do you know my name?" said Hunter.

"Oh, sorry Golden Guard It was just guessed," said the girl innocently.

"Who are you?" ask Hunter.

"My name is Helena, and I was not sent by anyone. Please I meant no harm just let me go." said Helena, who was pleading with Hunter to let her go.

"Then may I ask Helena, why were you near the palace woods?" ask Hunter, who was scanning the girl. Helena looks a bit uneasy, as if she was trying to think of an answer, Helena looks like Emira with the same mark under her left eye, green hair and looks. Hunter was very confused of who this girl really is, then he was interrupted. "I was just hiking in the nearby woods; I didn't know it was the palace woods. Then something chased after me. I lit a bright light to signal that I needed help, and I passed out from exhaustion." said Helena, the story sounds convincing enough, but Hunter knows that the story she just told wasn't the truth. Helena doesn't even look she was even around here, because the way she dressed and how she looks resemble a lot of Emira and himself, Hunter doesn't want to ask to many questions, Helena looks like she is in a hurry because how worry she looks, and Hunter decided to let Helena go.

"Alright I'll let you go with a warning; the palace woods are off limits. If I hear any trouble from you again, I won't be letting you go easily next time." said Hunter who was giving Helena a serious look, Helena looks at Hunter and smirks at him like he was kidding. "Don't worry I won't make a move unless I have to." said Helena, Hunter made eye contact with Helena, because she was acting suspicious and said: "Fine Helena, you'll be staying in your cellar until I come back, ok. I need to report you to the emperor"

"Sure Goldie," said Helena.

"Why do people always call me Goldie?" mumble Hunter as he walks towards the throne room.

Once Hunter left Helena laid back against the wall and sighed 'That was close' thought Helena. "I should be more careful of what I say next time, I nearly expose my identity. It's good to see dad again, and what's with all that eye bags." said Helena, closing her eyes to rest. It was strong magic that she used to get to the past, which is now the present.

The Story of Helena Blight Wittebane

The Day of Unity is near in the present, so this is the perfect time to change everything for the better in the future, even if Helena won't exist anymore. Helena is dreaming the nightmare she experienced in her generation.

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