It's all gonna change...but (season finale)

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The gang left the house, the time has come and it will be the end for all. Titan is rising from the ground, buildings are disappearing, and portals are randomly opening up to take citizens into the other side. The gang are running into town, Eda and King are flying in the sky, Willow and Gus are rushing to save citizens from getting injured. Amity, Luz and Helena are running down town. "Luz I have to help save my parents," said Helena. Luz started jogging. "You don't need help?" Helena nodded her head and said: "No, you need to help the citizens on earth, the portal leads to them, you know that place better than all of us. I need to stop Belos, it's the only way."

"But what will happen to you? We can't lose you."

"Then this is goodbye, after this battle I won't be coming back." Helena then looked at Amity who was upset. Helena walked up to Amity and gave her a hug. "Goodbye Aunt Amity, we'll meet again in the future, if everything returns back to normal." said Helena. Amity started to tear up. Helena let go, Luz and Amity waving her goodbye. "We'll miss you!! Goodbye!" Shouted Luz, Helena waved back as she walked further and further.

Amity and Luz hold hands as they are looking for an open porta. "I think I found a portal!" shouted Luz as she pointed to an open portal just a few building blocks away. "Come on Luz, let's go." said Amity. The two start jogging towards the portal, out of nowhere they were being blocked by an army of abomination guards, then the speaker inside the abomination's mouth started to talk: "Hahahahahahaha~ Well look who's trying to spoil my plans, the pathetic human and her dear witch. You won't win this time, I know you have a clever plan of your own. You won't win this time, I have my abomination army surrounding the area. Just give up! You can't escape to save the day! The ground shook and the titan was fully brought back to life. It grabbed the stage from Belos, Emira, and Hunter who were holding the titan's hand. A portal in front of the titan grew wider and bigger to the size of the titan. The titan was heading to the human realm!

"We must go now," said Amity, trying to pull Luz's hand. "But we can't, we're surrounded." said Luz. Amity was a bit annoyed and she walked in front of Luz and said: "Then I am sabotaging."

Amity drew a giant circle with her legs then clapped with her hand, all of sudden all abomination exploded giving Luz a scare. "Oh I forgot, you destroyed them on the inside, that was so cool." said Luz. Amity awkwardly nodded, Luz continued: "Come on let's go, we got a home to save."

"Wait Luz I have a question to ask you."

"What is it?"

"Well after this war, well if we succeeded. What will happen with our relationship?"

"What do you mean Amity?"

"I meant that after the war, we could finally be together."

"Of course Amity, after the war I want to spend all my time on you, I even want to live with you at Boiling Isles for the rest of my life. We can even travel to the human world if you want to. We can leave our past and start a new one!"

"Really Luz? Really? You promised?"

"Why wouldn't I promise my awesome girlfriend?" Amity and Luz held each other's hand as they walked through the portal together.

Meanwhile Helena was running down the street. She was getting closer and closer to the stage where the titan was, she just needed to try and teleport onto the hands of the titan. Helena all of a sudden sensed that someone was behind her. She heard footsteps coming louder and louder. Helena quickly turned around to find nobody behind her. 'That's strange' thought Helena. She then turned around in surprise to find Future Hunter in front of her. "DAD!" Helena was frightened as she took a few steps back, hitting her back against something soft. She turned around to see her mother, Future Emira. "Mum!?"

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